Sentences with phrase «to understand one's work»

If you can not find another way to explain an idea than to use familiar jargon, you don't understand your work well enough.
Think about who will be an authority in your career search; someone who understands the work involved and who has seen how you work.
AM What you just said is very convincing and important for understanding your work.
This also allows you to fully understand the work environment and the company.
Understand the working environment, the importance of networking and delivering a great interview.
He called me at the exact time and day he said he would and took the time to really understand my work history and what I was looking for.
If you had to narrow in on one area, what body of work do you see as crucial to understanding his works on paper?
Develop a «less is more» content mindset: fewer standards will result in the opportunity of time needed for deeper rigor and conceptual understanding work with students.
Your site, one of the few that could provide information on this topic, helped me better understand the work involved.
Job seekers should let people in their network understand their work ethic.
He is also praised for his ability to understand the working culture of his clients.
We start with a questionnaire, then we conduct a personal interview for 30 to 45 minutes to fully understand your work history and career goals.
I could understand it working if schools were run on more democratic lines with students moving into a variety of learning modes during the school day and week.
I certainly understand his work more than I did before.
We encourage prospective authors to engage their local writing communities in efforts to better understand their work through the eyes of others.
She says teachers understand the work they do is important and that it can have a profound effect on children's lives.
For example, if you use too much industry jargon, the HR might just not belong to your field of work and thus may fail to understand your work experiences.
If this isn't possible, set an expectation with the new company that for the first week or so your goal will be to understand the working dynamics of the local culture.
So you need to understand her work habits and set expectations in order for the relationship to succeed.
It helps probable employers understand your work style, potential, and how much you are willing to push yourself to achieve the target.
To become free from his influence, it is important, I think, that theologians and pastors understand his work.
I work as a RN, hoping being part of a healthcare website people will understand our work schedules..
Educators in priority schools understand the work that needs to be done to transform their schools, and they are doing it every single day.
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not fully understand the working conditions that are most important.
If you are a person who respects and follows some method of organization, it makes it easier for your company to understand your work process.
It helps the employers to understand the working capabilities of the candidates without reading the resume completely.
These can include being able to handle difficult employees, managing teams and individuals and understanding working relationship dynamics.
Overview To completely understand the work of a salesperson, one needs to climb up the ladder from a trainee's position.
This means managers need to understand the work product that their employees create, and it means a higher level of trust with employees.
Provide information about you, your organization, and the students you serve to help admissions recruiters understand the work you do.
Students need to thoroughly understand a work to be able to create questions about it.
The judges of the Global Teacher Award understood the work of a dedicated art and design teacher, and I hope that this recognition will change the state of the arts in our country.
When the dog understands the work he will start to turn his head away from another dog.
How you spend your time during the week days and weekends is important because your dog doesn't understand the work week — they just know if you're home or not.
A client who can easily understand the work you did is likely to find your fee acceptable and pay promptly.
Make sure your manager understands the work you're putting in.
You can mention your ability to understand work related documents and your effective communication skills.
The candidates have to understand the working methodologies of server operating systems, network security, troubleshooting, and electrical concepts.
The first step in taking control of your career management is developing the self - awareness to know your strengths and preferences, to understand your work values and future goals.
That is, people who only understand working for money, not necessarily having money work for them.
The material choices enable us to understand the works in many ways, but figurative aspects also offer an approach to interpretation and recognition.
They clearly do not expect the rest of the population to understand their work as presented in their learned journals.
It takes time and education flip a property themselves to really understand the work from cradle to grave.
To date when in these professions you have to find someone who understands your work.
Now you don't need to do exactly what she did, but understand her work ethic.
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