Sentences with phrase «to understand the reference»

"To understand the reference" means to comprehend or grasp the connection or allusion being made to something else, such as a joke, story, or cultural symbol. It requires recognizing or knowing the specific information or context being referred to in order to fully understand the meaning or significance of what is being said or done. Full definition
Anyway, for those of you who don't understand the reference in the title, just watch below.
• Provide assistance to library patrons to help them locate books and other materials, use audio - visual equipment and computers, and understand reference materials.
My husband is always throwing movie quotes around and I NEVER understand the reference!
Again, what can be gained from Thinking, Fast and Slow is that clients are more likely to trust real estate agents when the agents build and manage the client - agent relationship and understand the reference points from which their clients» expectations come.
Younger gamers may not necessarily understand these references, but this just gives Retro City Rampage the opportunity to provide a little education to them.
As is so often the case in matters of understanding references to Palestinian customs and circumstances, the expert witnesses here are Bishop and Jeremias.
Few Americans caught the allusion, but bin Laden's Muslim listeners understood his reference at once.
If you had to guess, what percentage of the people in your district do you think understand the reference to the «I Can Has Cheezburger» meme?
It was heartening to see that most of the film's target audience understood this reference.
In adapting Fowler's book, Robin Swicord, who also directs, slips in just enough about Austen's classics for the audience to understand the references without necessarily having read the books.
That being said, it's smart of Fox to take advantage of this opportunity to kickstart the marketing campaign for the film (even if only those who've read Riggs» book will really understand the reference).
Merry - Go - Round Before sharing this poem, you might want to be sure students understand the reference to «Jim Crow» laws.
I am confident students will understand the references because they have studied both texts in Grade 10, regardless of their previous teacher.
Primarily intended for engineers and researchers in the field of fuzzy arithmetic, the book also offers a valuable source of basic information on fuzzy models and an easy - to - understand reference guide to their applications for advanced undergraduate students, operations researchers, modelers and managers alike...
We had a lot of these easter eggs for people from this part of the world who would instantly understand the references, but for the rest of the world it was the design, something different, something that they thought to be exotic because it came directly from what we know of our culture, our childhood.
What a coincidence, I watched «Dr. Strangelove» last night for the first time and so understand the reference.
You may want to check out this video, «How to Ask for References After an Internship,», to better understand the reference process.
Perhaps «salespeople» need to lobby for permission to call themselves EXACTLY by those easily understood references, even if in addition to the currently permitted designations.
• Communicate with patrons to help them find books and other items, use the library catalog, and understand reference materials.
In - between the two end points there are degrees of the behavior that people label for easy - to - understand reference points.
Jeremy, something you haven't touched on in these posts is the mechanism for how Jesus defeated Satan... how, why, did Jesus» death (and I feel that I have a grasp on why and I understand the reference to the deeper magic) cause the destruction of Satan's kingdom, why did that give dominion of the Earth back to Jesus?
1:17 c And how are we to understand the reference to children and fathers?
To understand the references, you have to know a little bit about what's going on in Indonesian politics right now.
In an e-mail Chuck Van Engen wrote (refer to my last post to understand the references to the International Missionary Council):
If are a fan of the movie This Is Spinal Tap, then you understand the reference.
If you do not understand the reference, I do not blame you as it comes from the great English playwright William Shakespeare and football fans, even in England, are not usually big fans of old Billy boy.
haha I DO believe in vaccinations, but don't think that has anything to do with this topic really... but I understand your reference to it in article.
If you have seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you will understand the reference to my mothers vinegar obsession.
I'm not sure I understand your references to River City and Death to Cons, but if you're asking me what I would have said in light of this question being asked about an open adoption (and I think this is a terrific insight I hadn't noticed before), I would say something like this:
The deciphering of the fifth tablet was key to understanding the references to the trapezoid in the other tablets, revealing just how advanced ancient Babylonian astronomers were.
I've always been notorious for dressing inappropriately for the weather and this wrist candy has now turned into my personalized Tim Bailey (my fellow Aussies will understand the reference).
This look is best achieved through hand painting or the tease - then - color technique used to ombré hair (your colorist will understand the references).
If you don't understand those references, then you really need to watch the Iron Man movies and The Great Santini.
The stories and scenarios he's penned are so well known that one is usually able to understand a reference to them even without having experienced it firsthand.
Nowhere else could you find epic set pieces but at the same time have hilarious asides peppered throughout the dialogue — for instance Steve Rogers getting excited that he understood a reference to The Wizard of Oz or Tony Stark wondering just how Nick Fury manages to operate with monocular vision.
If you do not like the actors or movies I've listed earlier in this review, you will not enjoy This is the End as you won't understand the references to prior movies or get the inside jokes.
Put together by Jay Shaw, the double gatefold limited 7 ″ comes wrapped in «blasted» burlap, which reveals the gold bar artwork underneath (those of you who have seen the movie will understand this reference).
If you understand this reference, you should probably play LEGO Marvel's Avengers.
«There is an increasing focus on the good use of sacred texts in GCSE Religious Studies with a higher expectation that students will understand the references they are drawing on when they write in their exams,» he explained.
For example, by 13 or 14 months, children show clear signs of being able to understand references to an absent object or person and are willing to alter their ideas based on what someone tells them.
They'll have to do research to understand the references, and the collective work of closing holes can make the learning active, collaborative, and challenging.
[1] The initial suggestion was in fact the name «Leland», honoring the make's founder, but it was rejected because most buyers wouldn't understand the reference and because Henry Leland had also founded Cadillac's rival, Lincoln.
I'm not sure I understand your reference to skillful imitations.
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