Sentences with phrase «to unite one's party»

Clive Palmer, whose Palmer United party candidate in Tasmania, Jacqui Lambie, has been confirmed as the party's second senator — the party may win a third spot in Western Australia — said his senators would vote for the repeal but his party «needed more information» on Direct Action.
A Smooth Process: Our loan officers ensure that your loan process will be smooth from start to finish by uniting all parties in the transaction with constant communication.
In the likely event that Hillary Clinton secures the Democratic nomination by the end of May or early June, the task of uniting the party behind her will be much less onerous than that of whoever emerges from the GOP field.
Throughout the week, a plethora of speakers will take to the stage to fire up Republican voters and unite the party behind Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee.
It makes me wonder if maybe women could be the key to uniting the party by working together on the issues we all so care about which are still Cinderella topics in politics even in the World Transformed.
27,484 (2.65 %) votes originally from Palmer United Party distributed to Australian Greens (Sarah HANSON - YOUNG) via preference 16.
The 50 - year - old veteran of two previous failed gubernatorial attempts promised the delegates he would unite the party for victory in November.
Some of the candidates have spoken of the need to unite the party after decades of division over Europe.
Palmer United Party leader Clive Palmer has called on the government to take its harsher budget measures to an election.
A split on the right, and consequent realignments — taking in the remnants of New Labour and some Liberal Democrats — is long overdue, and could refresh the stale state of parliamentary politics, while helping Labour to become a more united party.
Bryan Pu - Folks clearly saw it coming and had the integrity to stand with Francisco Moya to unite the Party against Monserrate.
After weeks of searching and with no trace of Villa, the Colonel fears all is lost?that is, until a twist of fate unites his party with that of Johnny Ollas, an aspiring matador whose wife has also been kidnapped by the marauding revolutionaries.
Former Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said: «We can not unite the party if the leader's office is determined to divide us.»
The left - wing Democratic United Party has been critical of the deployment of THAAD and called for more engagement with North Korea to prevent further nuclearization.
I realized the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder.
As a candidate, he was busy fighting party members when he should be uniting party members ahead of the task ahead.
Hogan, 50, works full time as the ACOC director, is the Democratic and Johnsburg Hamlets United Party candidate.
Mychajliw said he would put politics aside in favor of helping unite party efforts behind Jacobs.
Ultimately, Labour's warring factions will have to try to unite the party if they are to avert a collapse or a split.
Addressing a rally at Anweaso in the Adansi Asokwa constituency, the president posited that the NDC is the most united party in Ghana because the NPP has suspended it chairman, general secretary and first vice chairman.
RM: It is quite hard for anyone in Labour to disagree with this and part of Corbyn's strategy will be to unite his party on matters of domestic policy.
United parties win, disunited ones don't.»
The walk is aimed at uniting the party and rallying every member around the umbrella for victory in 2020.
«On the pending Appeal at the Supreme Court, the Party leaders are hopeful that the forthcoming Judgment will further unite the Party.
The notion that a leader can overcome a 172 - strong MP revolt and then unite the Party is a fallacy.
Now, they're eager for their leadership to do the same, meaning an issue that has long united the party could suddenly expose even more rifts in an already fractured conference.
Arendt's theoretical construct of totalitarianism united party structure and government with the brutality of modern dictatorship as such.
Some Republicans would very much like to see Paladino bow out and unite the party now that Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy has failed in his effort to primary Lazio.
The race is key for Democrats, who on Thursday began a sustained push to have Gov. Andrew Cuomo unite the party in the chamber.
Johnson's criticisms — he had earlier said that the remain camp was making «a series of questionable assertions» — was just one of a series of hostile interventions on Monday from senior Conservatives, underlining the struggle facing the prime minister in holding the government together in the run - up to the poll and uniting his party afterwards.
He said the outcome of the primary should rather unite the party to make it stronger and indivisible.
President Mahama said just as Dr Kwame Nkrumah invested in infrastructure, in spite of the numerous criticisms from the then opposition United Party (UP), he was committed to developing not only Tema but Ghana as a whole and would not be daunted by the criticisms of the main opposition party.
By dint of his own natural propensity as a political leader, he weathered the storm to outshine all those who stood against him, including the already - established Dr. J.B. Danquah and the entire UGCC or the later United Party elements.
«If Owen truly wants to unite our party like Jeremy Corbyn does, then he needs to denounce those who are plotting to divide it,» he said in a statement.
«After New York, we're moving into a phase of the campaign where we have to start uniting the party
They're understandably loath to publicly consider the prospect of another candidate receiving united party support and to contemplate a premature end to their candidacy.
Clive Palmer and his Palmer United Party secured a House of Representatives seat in 2013, after which the party fragmented.
«Rather than patronising members and peddling baseless conspiracy theories about «Trotsky entryists», he should be working with Jeremy to unite our party so that we can get back to campaigning to dislodge this Tory government, and help elect a Labour government in its place.»
Corbyn had promised to unite his party following his re-election as leader last month.
Spinello in 2015 beat Councilman Anthony Gallo, a Republican running on the independent Glen Cove United party line, 3,024 to 2,346, or 56 to 43 percent.
When pressed, they say David offers brains without charisma while Ed offers both and can therefore reconnect with Labour's lost supporters while uniting the party.
But is shattering a glass ceiling enough for Clinton and Kaine to unite the party into a winning coalition?
This continued until Belize became self - governing in 1964 and the Peoples United Party came to their assistance by purchasing land, having it surveyed and issuing lots to the settlers.
In San Pedro Town the People's United Party slate was led by Mayoral Candidate Andre Perez.
The People's United Party met today to discuss the UHS debt.
The Opposition, People's United Party welcomes the news of Franz Parke's resignation from the Court of Appeal.
5,213 (2.12 %) votes originally from Palmer United Party distributed to Australian Greens (Simon SHEIKH) via preference 18.
5,213 (2.12 %) votes originally from Palmer United Party distributed to Bullet Train For Australia (Chris BUCKNELL) via preference 8.
The UPND (United Party for National Development) has accused President Lungu of presiding over the «collapse» of the economy.
If MPs were looking for someone to unite the party after a fractious referendum, a leading leaver would probably not be the obvious choice.
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