Sentences with phrase «to update the hardware»

"To update the hardware" means to make changes or improvements to the physical components or devices of a computer, smartphone, or other electronic device. It involves replacing old or outdated parts with newer ones to enhance performance, functionality, or compatibility with new software or technologies. Full definition
Although the company is not releasing any details, several reports indicate a new model with updated hardware and software will soon hit the shelves.
Alternatively, you can check this information before updating the device driver, and if the date and version information increases, then you've successfully updated the hardware driver.
Even something as minor as updating the hardware on your cabinets can yield positive results.
Originally I had planned to replace the hardware, but instead I used my trick for updating hardware - which is a can of matte black spray paint.
Thankfully, it has also updated the hardware to more modern specs but has also sadly doubled the price.
Based on this first round of announcements, it looks like you need updated hardware for the hub or bridge component, not just software.
On the other hand, we have previously covered why you shouldn't generally update your hardware drivers, although gamers will definitely want to update their graphics drivers.
We don't recommend updating hardware drivers — this can introduce problems.
If you lose it, and you forget your password or update your hardware without disabling encryption first, you'll be locked out of your computer for good.
Sometimes, simply painting oak cabinets a darker color and installing updated hardware can give your kitchen an all - new look.
To save money you can just paint over the cabinets you have, rather than buying new ones, and if you like update their hardware.
We can even fill the holes on your doors and drawers so you can update your hardware options.
Usually, the original hardware is more solid and better - suited for the piece, but there are also times when updating the hardware makes all the difference!
Have a favorite Android phone from years past that would be great with updated hardware?
This is also a good opportunity to update the hardware on your drawers and cabinets.
(as in you couldn't access wireless unless you in their store) They haven't been updating the hardware as often as the kindle has been — again, iirc — and they limit the space for third party apps to a small portion of the overall memory.
At just about every turn, Apple updated the hardware for its small new tablet.
Windows Update on Windows 10 also automatically updates your hardware drivers.
Unlike the above options for deferring updates, stopping Windows from updating hardware drivers also works on the Windows 10 Home edition.
Secondly, OnePlus is already damn good at updating its hardware to new versions of Android in a timely manner.
Google yesterday unveiled a fleet of new and updated hardware products: a phone, a laptop, two tabletop voice - activated assistants / speakers, a pair of wireless earbuds, a tiny camera that takes pictures autonomously, and a VR headset (that's really just a pricey way to strap your phone to your face).
And last but not least — we are currently updating the hardware infrastructure for both World Dating Partners and Dating Factory systems, so some short service interruptions may occur.
While the new iPhone will feature updated hardware and may have a new design, we're just as interested in Apple's software improvements.
However much social they cram into BlackBerry 6, their core market is still enterprise — and companies update hardware when they have to, not when you want them to.
But if it's bridged the gap into 3D and then into motion control with seamless efficacy, with Ocarina of Time and now Majora's Mask making the transition onto updated hardware, I think we can expect Aonuma's pet project to deliver.
But also has gamers questioning even more now than they already have if consoles will now adopt the cell phone industry's model — and for that matter the PC model; releasing updated hardware every couple of years.
This current PC boom is going to force Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to update their hardware over the next few years.
However, since the status quo is itself unacceptable, the legal community has only one choice left: We have to insist that the government invest in insuring the security of digital legal documents — which implies updating hardware, and software, as well as properly backing up data — not only for the sake of legal stakeholders, but also for the sake of the system itself.
That is such an important point for Apple — its customers update hardware and software quickly, which allows developers to take advantage of new APIs and technologies in their apps.
Your computer won't be faster just because you regularly update your hardware drivers, and it also won't be slower just because you're using drivers that are a few versions old.
In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to successfully update hardware drivers on your computer.
No longer is Microsoft planning wait for Redstone 2 to launch new Surface hardware in early 2017, with Mary Jo Foley reporting that we could see updated hardware launch at an event in the fall.
Be it the software optimizations alone or the pairing with updated hardware specs, the Nexus 7 is insanely quick and smooth all around.
Whether there are any other updated hardware bits not listed in the FCC's documents is unknown, but could be possible.
7 Update porch hardware Increase your home's curb appeal by updating the hardware on your front porch.
3 Update your hardware Banish mismatched porch hardware and the messy message it projects.
Since then we move fast and forward spending our time updating hardware and software - just to give you the assurance that our delivery is technically and linguistically perfect.
This year Sony has released the Xperia Z5, which brings a collection of updated hardware to the company's flagship Android device.
At just about every turn, Apple updated the hardware...
Windows Update automatically updates your hardware drivers — whether or not you want it to — so you shouldn't need to dig up new driver versions from your motherboard manufacturer's website to go looking for performance improvements.
You can stop Windows 10 from updating your hardware drivers, if you like.
It also updated the original Kindle Fire and Kindle 4th generation with updated hardware.
With Microsoft's new console, that will no longer be the case — but with a first - party library looking so thin for now and the majority of gamers without a desperate need for updated hardware, who will buy an Xbox One X?
In October 2016, Tesla announced that all vehicles in production, as well as the forthcoming Model 3, will be built with an updated hardware suite, equipping each Tesla with the hardware needed for full self - driving capability at a safety level substantially greater than that of a human driver.
NOAA plans to launch a new series of LEO satellites this decade, as part of the Joint Polar Satellite System, with updated hardware, fitted with more sophisticated instruments.
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