Sentences with phrase «to use a pump»

"To use a pump" means to operate a machine or device that is designed to draw or push out fluids or gases, usually by creating pressure. Full definition
Start by using your pump for a 5 - 10 minutes daily session.
You can use this pump in any place also in travel.
I would stress that from the beginning, if there is any doubt that you may or may not use pumped milk in the future, freeze it an label it immediately.
The motor on these pumps can be effective for thousand hours or more compared to the personal use pump of lasting perhaps a few hundred.
You may also find it convenient to have both the everyday pump and the occasional use pump as both will serve different purposes.
Plus it will save you time from having to switch between bras when using your pump.
However, if you plan on using a pump more than once a day or every single day, an electric pump is your best bet.
Not using her pump so much may have been a good idea.
Prior to expressing breast milk, mothers should wash their hands well with soap and water and, if using a pump, follow recommendations for proper cleaning.
Exactly... I, too, am using my pump with baby # 2 and my oldest is 4 now, so this pump has been around a long time.
If you can get 1 gel pad for each breast and use the pumping bra, it will be so worth it!
You can use this pump at home, away from home, and even at work.
One of the biggest advantages of using this pump is that it's inexpensive.
I haven't come across any serious issue of mothers complaining about discomfort while using this pump.
You can also use the pump to remove more milk from each breast after baby is finished.
In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a «gently» used pump from another Mom on the Internet who is willing to sell it to me.
The third category of breast pumps is the occasional use pump.
For the best results, follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to use the pump correctly, and make sure the pump is good working order.
Many consumers who use the pump find the integrated bottle holder very handy.
The greatest worry one has about using pumps is how well can it be cleaned.
I am pregnant again and would love to breast feed, but i'm pretty sure that i'll just avoid all the hassle and just use the pump again.
I also started using a pump after nursing to encourage the milk to come in faster.
If you're going to reuse a breast pump for a second child, it's possible your breast pump may still fall within that warranty period when you start using your pump again.
You can use the pump without removing the whole thing from the bag, which is quite convenient.
To increase production, some mothers use pumps, while others turn to supplementing with formula.
I have long thought (for about 25 years) that new and prospective mothers were too often assuming that they «needed» to have and even use a pump.
If the strike persists for more than a day or so, consider using a pump that will allow you to pump both breasts simultaneously.
I have not used the pump since my daughter was 1, and she just turned 4.
Consult with your lactation consultant and learn to use the pump properly so as to preserve milk supply and also avoid additional injury.
In general, if you are not going to use your pump very often a small hand held or even hand expression of milk will work just fine.
On the other hand using this pump during your break makes no sense due to it's inferior motor strength.
I remember expressing milk from both breasts simultaneously using a pump and blood being mixed in with the little milk I managed to produce.
Avoid used pumps and those borrowed from other moms because they may be worn out or unsafe to share.
It was very useful, I'm very grateful although it's only a single use pump.
There is no need to worry the breast shield won't fit as other users have stated they have had no problems using this pump even if you have large breasts.
This will save any embarrassment if any of your colleagues accidentally walk in on whilst using your pump.
I don't ever use my pump because I am able to catch enough to put into bags and store!
Many women feel embarrassed using the pumps away from home.
And never, ever use pump output to judge how much milk you are producing.
It encourages more efficient milk removal and uses both compression and suction, as opposed to just suction when using the pump alone.
Whether used in conjunction with breast feeding, or solely using pumped milk or infant formula, bottle feeding has many benefits.
So, definitely use your pump, you'll be glad you did!
See how one couple uses pumping to share responsibilities and restore family balance.
Practice using your pump for weeks in advance of returning to work to ensure you know the ins and outs of the machine.
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