Sentences with phrase «to use butter»

Who knows if using butter instead of the coconut oil would have helped?
However, if you use a regular cake pan, wait for the cake to cool down about 10 minutes, then use a butter knife to run around the sides of the pan.
ALSO - almost forgot, used margarine instead of butter, just because I don't use butter in my home.
I also don't use butter so will sub with coconut oil, or other oils in some cases.
You can also use butter for the crisp if you're not making a vegan version.
Finally instead of using butter as the fat in the donuts, I used coconut oil and in the frosting I used ghee.
Also used butter instead of shortening for the icing.
Most recipes use butter and milk, though he states you can use coconut oil or coconut milk to substitute.
Up until now I've just used butter flavored coconut oil so I'm really excited.
Allow to cook in the pans for a few minutes, then use a butter knife to loosen the pastries from the muffin tin and place on a rack to cool.
You could try using butter beans instead although I've not tried it with them so I'm not sure how it would turn out!
Suddenly, it hit everyone in the room, why not just use butter in preparing foods sold at the restaurant chain?
If you can eat dairy products, always use butter in place of margarine.
I chose to use butter because corn dogs need to be buttery, end of story.
What is the purpose of using butter on the baking dish and then covering it with parchment?
I have never used butter flavored coconut oil before, I am going to have to look into that!
Love that you do things the traditional way and used butter oil from cows raised on the best grass!
This is a neat trick to add that buttery taste without using any butter in the baking.
This means that you may need to use more butter for the same results and avoid using butter for high - heat cooking.
I don't feel like I'm missing using butter at all.
I usually use butter for all my cakes and This was first experience without it.
If you can tolerate dairy I recommend using the butter vs. the coconut oil instead.
You mention using butter instead of banana to one reader and that really had me wondering since it would be used along with the coconut oil.
Once cookies are completely cooled, spread on your frosting using a butter knife.
It can also be made vegan by using a butter substitute.
I won't use the butter paper and all that — too lazy to go buy, cut, etc..
You can definitely use butter for the frosting, and yes I think you can use the recipe to make a cake!
You could of course use butter if you wish.
Feeling determined, I still used the butter to make a batch of cookies.
Feel free to use butter here if you like.
I tried using butter spray, but it does not taste as good as movie theater popcorn.
If you want to use a butter based frosting, I would recommend making a classic buttercream frosting made with organic powdered sugar.
I would suggest using a butter knife to separate the edges of the dough from the mold, then flipping onto a plate.
Just simply use a butter knife to scoop out a clove of garlic and spread onto the bread.
Some people use butter, but a high - quality vegetable oil will work better.
Overall thumbs up but sorry, I have to use butter next time.
Just made these and used butter before even reading the comment against using oil.
Been loving using butter over the last few months after using vegetable oils and canola spray oils for so many years.
If you do not feel comfortable using these butter extracts you can find another vegan butter extract you like, most likely online.
I had to use butter since I didn't have any coconut oil on hand, but if I make them again, I'll pick some up at my food co-op.
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