Sentences with phrase «to use carbohydrates»

The body uses carbohydrates for short - term energy and is especially important for the brain and the nervous system.
The purpose of the ketogenic diet is to switch our bodies from using carbohydrates for fuel to burning ketones instead.
The reason why you get tired at the start is your body is adapting from using carbohydrates for energy to healthy fats.
Instead of using carbohydrates for energy, your canine companion primarily uses fats.
For endurance events where a tempo or high intensity race simulation training run is in order then use carbohydrate sources that work for YOU during the activity like you would in competition.
The gut bacteria then use these carbohydrates for fuel, producing hydrogen gas and causing all sorts of digestive symptoms.
One of the main reasons pet food manufacturers use carbohydrates like corn, wheat, and soy ingredients is because they are cheaper than animal products — it is that simple.
When you first start your workout, your body primarily uses carbohydrates for fuel.
Using glycemic index and glycemic load in meal planning may help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels better than only using carbohydrate counting.
I didn't realize that we only use those carbohydrates as fuel when we're anaerobic (did I get that right?).
Since a cat's metabolism is different than a dog's, they also use carbohydrates less effectively than dogs.
This would match the recommendations to use carbohydrate containing liquids for human athletes on an hourly basis during long competitions.
Because your body uses carbohydrates before protein and fat, eating a banana can give you a quick energy boost, making them popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
The study is very much objective using carbohydrate (macro) as a constant for comparison.
The problem using carbohydrates as the main energy source can be seen in the diagram to the right, the yellow line showing blood sugar as a function of time after a meal.
Since the human body burns primarily glucose for energy, working out uses carbohydrates most.
In grain - free dog foods, manufacturers often use carbohydrates that provide less nutritional value than grains and substitute filler ingredients like corn with plant based fillers such as peas.
Its low glycemic content enables the body to digest and use the carbohydrates as energy, so that sugars are not stored as fat.
They may also use carbohydrate sources with high starches that can cause weight gain.
On a low - carb, high - fat diet, your body is forced to switch from using carbohydrates (glucose) for energy to using ketones.
Because your body primarily uses carbohydrates to fuel itself, eating whole grains is an important part of creating natural energy that lasts throughout the day.
Believe it or not, treats are part of a dog's diet, and unfortunately because of cheap costs, the popular manufacturers use carbohydrate - packed fillers.
Your body uses carbohydrates as a primary source of fuel, so this nutrient is important.
Using carbohydrates for energy requires high - intensity exercise.
In other words, by using carbohydrates post-workout, we stimulate the hormone insulin to act as the protein shield.
During fasting, our body first uses the carbohydrates stored in the liver as an energy source, then it switches and starts oxidizing the fat we have stored for energy.
When using carbohydrates in snacks, always opt for wholefood sources of carbohydrate like wholegrains like quinoa, millet, brown rice, amaranth, buckwheat, spelt, lentils as well as potatoes and sweet potatoes.
And as you already read, heavy weight lifting and sprints, both of which use carbohydrates as fuel, are two ways to effectively increase testosterone production.
Because of its availability, nutritional, value and relatively low allergenic potential, rice is a widely used carbohydrate source during weaning.
It's no secret that 80 % of North Americans do not use carbohydrates well.
Rich in omega fats, this dog food uses carbohydrates from natural grain sources.
They activate genes that use carbohydrates effectively, produce vitamins, and break down unusual and diverse chemicals.
«As exercise intensity increases, we shift from predominantly using fats to fuel exercise towards predominantly using carbohydrates to fuel exercise.»
The body replenishes lost glycogen and the muscles, in need of refurbishment, actively use carbohydrates and store them as glycogen.
Although the brain will adapt to using ketones as a fuel, it preferentially uses carbohydrates and requires a minimum level of glucose circulating in the blood in order to function properly.
Bigger, denser muscles are better at using carbohydrates as glycogen for energy.
It will be during P - 2 that we diligently time your nutrients and use the proper supplementation to allow your cells to re-learn how to properly use carbohydrates.
The fibers in fast - twitch muscles predominately use carbohydrates as a fuel source.
As Dr. Louise Burke writes in a 2011 review on using carbohydrates to maximize performance, «during longer recovery periods (24 h) when adequate energy and carbohydrate is consumed, the types, pattern, and timing of carbohydrate - rich meals and snacks can be chosen according to what is practical and enjoyable,» rather than rushing to eat a special recovery meal within the 30 - minute glycogen window.27
These results open new perspectives to modulate the bioactivity of Ag - NPs by using carbohydrates.
Your body will first use carbohydrates for energy.
Fermentation is triggered by lactic acid bacteria — or lactobacilli — and yeasts, which use the carbohydrate fuels from the cereal grains to produce ethanol (alcohol), carbon dioxide, lactic acid and acetic acid.
The food industry widely uses these carbohydrates, such as carrageenan and agar, to stabilize or texturize foods in the food industry.
However, this does not mean that cats can not use carbohydrate or that it should not be present in the diet, but as they have a more limited capacity to digest and utilise carbohydrates, diets need to be formulated carefully.
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