Sentences with phrase «to use one's weapons»

The combination of this along with weapons upgrades that are in part unlocked by using the weapons in certain ways means that the game subtly teaches you how it wants to be played.
The widow fought (using the weapon of persistence and faith) to secure justice for herself.
While the difference isn't massive it's definitely something you should consider when using the weapon as it'll benefit you where you use it the most.
Instead of killing enemies to earn experience, levels are gained by using weapons and items.
You'll learn how to most effectively use the weapons at hand, in any circumstance.
You can't use your weapon while invisible so you have to give away your position in order to go on the offense.
Just how effective is hitting a monster's elemental weakness if it means using a weapon with lower physical damage?
Has a lot of martial arts skills using bare hands rather than using weapons like other classes.
In one combat race, the challenge was simply to use a weapon on an opponent.
Some gun - control advocates argue that certain safety devices can prevent a child from using a weapon taken without a parent's knowledge.
In one study it was revealed that 86 % of women used weapons against their husbands, including but not limited to, guns, knives, sharp objects, etc..
Officers are not being asked to even provide their rationale for using the weapon, let alone having forces analyse the extent and type of use.
There is an optional lock - on for targeting, but I wouldn't recommend it when using a weapon capable of hitting multiple enemies at once.
Maybe gun control laws won't prevent mass shootings, but shouldn't we try to make it more difficult for people who use weapons for mass shootings from purchasing them?
Every weapon has a skill tree, but you'll need to actually use the weapon if you want to upgrade it to the max level.
At a shooting range an inexperienced character uses weapons in a dangerous manner.
Players use weapon attacks and magical abilities (e.g., drain, fire, poison) to defeat enemies; battles are accompanied by impact sounds and mild explosions.
Players can jump on top of vehicles and stand on them while the vehicles moves (players can also use weapons while on the vehicles).
A lot of damage can happen very quickly if your accounts get hacked, so use every weapon at your disposal to make it harder for the bad guys.
The objective prevented me from using weapons during the mission.
Actually using the weapons in combat also feels great with an easy to learn, hard to master design.
While players can kill each other using weapons, there are other elements to worry about such as the weather and environments.
Although threats may be one of the most frequently used weapons in your discipline arsenal, they're hardly an effective or loving way to spur action or teach responsibility.
In either case the physical motions necessary to draw and use the weapon provide a brief but potentially sufficient window to mount a defense.
Ultimately, the game is very heavily animation based so it's best to just use the weapon that hits fastest.
The right trigger will fire a limited use weapon.
Why use that weapon against a ship that could be destroyed with much less and as a result allow the opportunity to stop it?
The game will allow players to pilot vehicles around specially designed levels using weapons to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles.
To have faith in the police's ability to use this weapon responsibly, we need clear data on usage, which includes not just whether it was fired but why and when.
But mostly used weapons grade solutions to deal with extreme symptoms (some of which I don't have).
Is it just the fact that everyone uses weapons as part of their fighting style?
Using this weapons requires both quick thinking and precision.
Alas, he most certainly isn't, and fully intends on using this weapon across the course of this bizarre afternoon.
Just because a soldier is capable of using weapons under one setting does not make that person «vicious».
They have already released a balance patch with the intention of improving matchmaking and increasing the weapon diversity by making some of the lesser used weapons better.
The guns are balanced to a point where you can win a match using any weapon.
Fight to the death using weapons, vehicles, and resources found across the game map.
Your immediate need and basic instinct to survive is tested against your exploration skills whilst using weapons and objects scattered throughout the environment to your advantage.
Using one finger, players can swipe on the screen to control where and from which direction their player will strike using their weapon.
Everyone feels cookie - cutter using weapons they aren't intended to use.
You can, if you wish, use weapons fairly freely, but there are... consequences that come from making too much noise.
The main aim is to destroy the other racers using the weapons at your disposal.
Having challenges with additional requirements like not getting hit (or time penalties for getting hit) or not using weapons etc. def would have been neat.
It is notable in this mode that you are not allowed to select the character's weapon and you will automatically use the weapon currently equipped.
For this reason important to establish clear legal framework on this issue warning against terrorist groups using these weapons.
Be sure to activate this little used weapon in your arsenal to help shorten the job search time.
You move with the left stick, use your weapon with every other button.
Is your offensive strategy designed to start with the weapon, or to use the weapon as a backup / shield for conventional warfare?
Each weapon comes with a seal built into it, and by using that weapon you can acquire the seal to equip onto slots of other weapons.
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