Sentences with phrase «to use the nutrients»

The phrase "to use the nutrients" refers to the process of our bodies taking in the essential substances found in food and using them for various functions like growth, energy, and maintaining good health. Full definition
I create recipes using nutrient dense, real foods, with the goal of giving people the tools they need to live healthy, balanced lives.
They might help our bodies use the nutrients in food.
What that means more specifically is that your body can't use isolated vitamins nearly as well as a it can use the nutrients from healthy food that contains those vitamins.
It is time for a positive approach to dietary guidance using nutrient density as a basic principle.
Your buddy's body uses the nutrients in their food to run around and play, and low - quality sources will actually prevent their bodies from working as efficiently as they should.
This paleo cookbook also uses nutrient rich coconut and almond flours for baking and frying, helping to boost overall nutrition of the dish.
Our bodies can use these nutrients efficiently to keep us feeling our best and keeping our bodies healthy.
This usually happens if she isn't eating well or isn't absorbing or using nutrients properly.
The body will try to correct this problem by using nutrients to produce enzymes to assist the digestion of the grains.
You should also use nutrient rich pasture - fed eggs for at least 2 meals per week as these contain many of the same nutrients that organ meats contain.
Some studies have seen a relationship between sleep and the way our bodies use nutrients for energy and how lack of sleep can affect hormones that control hunger urges.
The evidence suggests people who want to eat well use nutrient lists to choose healthier options.
In addition to following a antioxidant - rich, ketogenic diet, using the nutrients listed in this article on a regular basis will do amazing things for your heart health.
So when you exercise, your metabolism uses these nutrients as fuel to build muscle mass and burn fat.
While the guaranteed analysis may look like a scientific statement of product effectiveness, it makes no statement as to whether or not the pet can absorb and use the nutrients provided.
And in a few species females can produce eggs without a blood meal, using nutrients carried over from their juvenile stage to make yolk and produce eggs.
In whatever form you decide to start use nutrient dense «real food» - meat, vegetables, fruit & whole grains.
That's because the body will have to use the nutrients which would usually be allocated for muscle growth in order to support the extra cardio activity.
Since I switched to real food and cut back on potatoes and grains, I've had to find ways to fill the void using nutrient - dense substitutes.
I always use nutrients and whole food diets emphasizing higher protein and healthy fats for this condition.
When in ketosis, your body will use nutrients differently as on a metabolism geared towards burning glucose.
The recommendations are suitable for researchers, practitioners, coaches and athletes who may use nutrient timing as a means to achieve optimum health and performance goals.
Many nutrition - oriented health professionals use this nutrient, but it's more difficult to find in stores.
There are aspects of his protocol with which I disagree, but he was the first person I saw use nutrient density as the basis of a nutrition protocol.
Sadly, many of the traditional ethnic restaurants have stopped using nutrient - dense foods and have jumped on the processed food bandwagon.
Further research may be needed to determine if our bodies can really use the nutrients available in these foods, and if that differs across conventional and organic farming techniques.
This process is what allows us to absorb and use nutrients from our food such as amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, vitamins and minerals.
Our bodies can use these nutrients efficiently to keep us feeling our best and keeping our bodies healthy.
In general, if your baby isn't growing steadily, it means that she's either not eating well or not absorbing or using nutrients properly.
This means it controls how cells in the body take in and use nutrients for energy.
During your workouts, your muscle fibers are being broken down and your body uses the nutrients you've consumed to provide you with the energy you need for your workout.
Also, the integrative medical world and agencies like the Council for Responsible Nutrition indicate preference of using these nutrients over analgesics and pain killers.
The models use nutrient load data collected by Heidelberg University's National Center for Water Quality Research.
Regulating health claims on food labels using nutrient profiling: what will the proposed standard mean in the Australian supermarket?
Fermenting your quinoa goes a step beyond soaking or sprouting, meaning your babe will be better able to use the nutrients found in quinoa and you're going to see the least amount of anti-nutrients.
Natural vitamin C contains not only ascorbic acid, but other components like bioflavonoids and enzymes, which we believe help the body (and the skin) use the nutrient like it was designed.
In some instances, the flaps can actually use the nutrients in the joint fluid and grow larger, becoming what are referred to as «joint mice.»
To assess nutritional value of the endorsed food products, the investigators analyzed nutrition information on food labels using the Nutrient Profile Model (NPM), which has been used in other food marketing research studies and provides a score that represents nutrient content.
It looks like your district uses the Nutrient Standard menu planning pattern.
I've never planned menus using the Nutrient Standard pattern, we use Food Based... meaning requirements of certain measures / weights in the specified food «groups».
One way to do this is by encouraging you to select The World's Healthiest Foods, use the Smart Menu, and prepare more of your meals at home using the Nutrient - Rich Cooking methods, which helps ensure minimal loss of nutrients and provides you with enjoyable meals that can also save you time and money.
Then start from the ground up and learn how to cook using nutrient dense organic whole foods including: all manner of vegetables, greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, fruits, berries, seeds, nuts, herbs and spices.
A-GPC is a widely used nutrient in mental and physical performance enhancing dietary supplements.
Bioavailability — how easy or difficult it is for your body to use a nutrient once it's ingested — is an incredibly important and often overlooked aspect of supplements.
Using the Nutrient Balance Calculator available on the APL website, we were able to calculate that a system like Jonai Farms (12 sows, 2 boars — total herd size of approximately 110 pigs at any given time on 9ha) where pigs are rotated anywhere from fortnightly to up to two months adds 15 kg N / ha / yr and 6 P / ha / yr, and that just one season of lupins would actually deplete the overall available nitrogen and balance the phosphorous and potassium.
Fruit and vegetable claims should be regulated using nutrient profiling.
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