Sentences with phrase «to verbalise»

But for the above reasons, I don't see anything wrong with verbalising what we're all saying, thinking and doing all the time as Christians, and saying that God agrees with one position but not with another.
But in the process of verbalising that we're not the ideal fit for so many prospects we in - turn generate massive amount of trust with the folks that we are a good fit for.»
Faith is that, as God's breath literally inspires us from within, it is the acknowledgement of this, the awareness of this, the embracing of it (God) that changes our thoughts and actions and actually speaks to those around us as we make decisions and frame opinions in the light of it (and ideally verbalise this as we have the chance).
What does work well on the clean - up though (and makes it officially an educational activity you can be smug about) is making it a chance for the kids as young as 12 months to show you what they understand, even if they can't yet verbalise it:
Then, I realised that he was telling me that the had to pee Without fail, every time he grabs for the potty now, when I take him, he goes, or starts complaining because I already missed it, and then I get him dry right away (although he most certainly verbalises how pissed he is that I missed).
His life takes a bizarre turn when he is introduced to Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), a highly sophisticated, verbalised operating system, put together from the DNA of her creators.
Deliberate practising involves being able to think about your thinking and often verbalising the actions and understandings required to successfully achieve precision.
WOW, how great to hear someone verbalising what I have been trying to instil in staff thinking for years.
As part of their Talk to Write programme, Pegasus Primary in Oxford has been focussing on storytelling, story mapping and verbalising before their pupils sit down to write.
This idea of «world - making» (and the name of the exhibition) is verbalised repeatedly by Birnbaum; he continually emphasises the importance of the exhibition within a macroclimate and its historical links between the past and the present as integral to its development.
You do need to put a little bit of effort in as it's designed for people who have the ability to verbalise more complex tasks, than, «ok Google, what's the weather like tomorrow.»
The recommended response to attachment is to acknowledge that the child is upset as often they can't verbalise so they need time to calm down.
An exciting therapeutic soft toy that helps children verbalise their thoughts and worries.
She will work with you to identify and verbalise potentially hidden emotions, such as anger, sadness, grief and shame.
«It's just so difficult to verbalise what this feels like,» she says.
All behaviour is communication really - so when a child is behaving in a certain way they may be trying to tell you something that they can't verbalise.
Traditionally, men have not been invited to verbalise their grief.
There's an increased emphasis on allowing children the space to verbalise their grief.
One of the nicest things about breastfeeding older children is that they are able to verbalise their joy of breastfeeding to you.
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This is conveyed through conversations between the two characters which allow Michód to verbalise some of the philosophical ideas of the picture and hint at his character's motivations.
Sadly, though, its default setting is verbalising the issues at hand, rather than dramatising them.
The problems require the children to solve the equations mathematically but also to be able to explain their answer, and so insists that there must be the ability to verbalise the concepts involved.
They then retell the story in pairs, each child physically taking a step at key points in the story and verbalising the plot.
Underneath the charcoal man on the wall is everything he had in his pocket, according to a story that is so present inside all of the elements in this show and in Bouvy's wider practice - without being verbalised.
«When a child is verbalising a desire to not go to school or has a noticeable decline in school performance, these are obvious warning signals, especially when coupled with lost or destroyed property and unexplained injuries.»
These may include things such as learning to verbalise their feelings, or finding stress - reducing activities such as going for a run or using a punching bag, or breathing, relaxation or meditation.
Parents and carers can encourage their children to speak about their thoughts and feelings, providing children with a safe space to verbalise their concerns and fears.
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