Sentences with phrase «to view the process»

For the first time, the reading of the One Million Years will be recorded live, while visitors can view the process of CD production.
Don't view the process as a hassle - view it as an opportunity.
If a principal does not view the process as a true growth model and expresses negativity and resentment toward the process, it will never be effective.
Unfortunately, many aspiring retirees view the process as one of sacrifice, where you have to cut back now in order to enjoy the retirement you deserve down the line.
It is imperative to me that my clients view the process, and their own actions, through the eyes of their children.
Yet even some online daters view the process itself and the individuals they encounter on these sites somewhat negatively.
It's highly unlikely that you won't find any element which works for you, so long as you consider thinking as part of the movie viewing process.
When beginning a program of professional growth, its helpful to view the process through the trainee's eyes.
You should instead take the time to consider the investor's questions and suggestions, and view the process as useful insight into his or her thinking.
«At Mohu, our mission is to continue evolving and improving the cord cutting viewing process for consumers,» Mark Buff, founder and CEO of Mohu said in a released statement.
Furthermore, although the majority of the preservice teachers viewed the process as a valuable experience and acknowledged the potential for GarageBand ™ and electronic bulletin boards, 13 of the 17 participants commented on the time required to learn the software and adjust to the notion of using DLT within their music methods course, as well as for the independent learning process as a whole.
«For the modern view process, activity and change are the matters of fact.
At his appearance with Skelos, Klein seemed content to delay the vote until the morning, saying it would allow members time to actually read the bill, and enable members of the public view the process.
Santhakumar said while researchers who study epilepsy have started to look more closely at how preventing excessive neurogenesis after brain injury could prevent seizures, neuroscientists have traditionally viewed the process as helpful to overall brain recovery.
But is it wise to view all processed foods with equal disdain?
Medicine, history, and rare age disorders are reshaping the way researchers view the process of aging, and it may extend lives for decades.
Likely view the process of kissing frogs is an inevitable part of life for sugar baby dating rules 38 percent dating of men think that it better to look over your shoulder.
Many people view the process as a daunting trial that needs to be «survived» if success is to be grudgingly granted — but there is a more positive and optimistic view.
Teacher performance management processes can often be quite awkward and distressing experiences; however, by viewing the process as part of a growth mindset - that is, making it formative, rather than summative, and inviting participation of the teacher in the process, the feedback can be more meaningful and applicable to the teacher's daily practice.
When your prepurchase inspection involves a list of 36 detailed questions (and your undercarriage viewing process is «like, a 3,500 - point inspection»), the wheat separates from the chaff fairly quickly.
Traders who learn to love the process of Forex trading are the ones who succeed long - term, those who view the process of trading as something they can skim over or don't really enjoy, are simply in the markets to try and get rich quick, and the irony is that because their focus is continually on the end result they forget about how to get to the end result and thus never achieve it.
It also covers how your puppy or dog views the process and what skills and attitude they bring with them:
Although he was highly independent, Pousette - Dart viewed the process of creation as a universally transformative act, noting in this volume that:
Kenna views his process as a conversation with the landscape, each individual communion lasting anywhere between a few minutes to a number of hours.
A distinguished panel made up of New York sculptor Chakaia Booker; Kelly Kivland, assistant curator at Dia Art Foundation, New York; and Maki Hajikano, associate professor of fine arts at York College at CUNY, New York selected 18 recipients and 7 honorable mentions through a competitive viewing process of the works submitted.
Yet, nearly five years after the first written court decision approving the use of TAR for managing document production, many attor - neys and their clients still view the the process as a too much of a «black box» and lack confidence that it will timely produce reliable results.
If there is a healthy nesting Turtle found by the biologists they will allow 1 group to come and view the process for about 15 minutes.
«I'd like to learn about cutting - edge technologies in the U.S. and how American scientists view the process of translating basic science into application,» said Chen, who was a panelist at the 2017 World Conference for Science Journalists in San Francisco.
Teachers view the process as either superficial or as a game of gotcha.
Unfortunately, many aspiring retirees view the process as one of sacrifice, where you have to cut back now in order to enjoy the retirement you deserve down -LSB-...]
Viewing this process as stages of grief will help me not to feel so lost.
«I view the process of finding an insurance agent as very similar to finding a doctor you're comfortable with,» says Co. «You want somebody who will ask the right questions, care about not only your business but also you as the owner, and who will interact with you the way you're looking for.
«It was intimidating at first, but I grew to view the process as a free education.
In Whitehead's view this process can mean the actualization of new and higher forms that were not yet «there» in the development of the world.
View our processing and packaging solutions for cream and dairy products and a selection of carton packages for coffee cream in Customer products.
Get someone else to view the process.
Continue to work towards the potty training goal and view the process as a fun and rewarding experience.
Cabbage Hill's resident aquaponic guru, Kevin Ferry, views the process as an extension of natural nutrient cycles.
Adults appeared to focus initially on non-salient features both before and after hearing a description, suggesting that top - down processing was dominating their viewing processes throughout.
Another equivalent way to view the process is from Newton's 3rd law of motion.
«I view this process of information sharing as a work around until affordable internet connects every part of our world,» Beary said.
Teachers are seeing value in the feedback provided and have come to view the process as a way to continually improve their practice — a goal to which all evaluation systems should aspire.
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