Sentences with phrase «to view the story»

If you are viewing this story as an email, please go to the web version to see the spreadsheet embedded above.
However, players haven't really had the chance to view this story through the lens of some morally complicated protagonists before now.
Introducing the concept is as simple as asking a question that causes the child to view the story from another perspective.
Recent updates are at the top, followed by viewed stories at the bottom.
These helpful articles, our most - viewed stories on the hot topic this year, illustrate the difference.
When people view the story, they can tap on the post embed to bring up a «see post» button which opens the permanent feed post.
Initially, the feature will allow desktop and mobile web users to view Stories posted by their friends and others they follow.
Finally, the story also may highlight the gap between how differently journalists, readers, and educators view stories about schools and the education debate.
It's easy to view stories at your own pace: tap to go back and forward or swipe to jump to another person's story.
This can be annoying for people, as they might already view your Story and then have to see the same content again.
Players can even view your story progression and how many custom characters you have made as well as several other specific stats.
Depending on how players view the story, it could be said that the statue's motivation may not be its own.
More gameplay footage can be viewed below, though you can download and view the story demo now.
Just tap a friend's name to begin viewing their story, and then tap on individual snaps within the reel itself to skip forward, if you want.
You can also view stories people stories and add your own.
Of course, one can view the story as a fairy tale where the heroine rides off with the hero, but it is not a fairy tale.
The public sharing option is available inside the settings, accessible by viewing the story and then tapping that ``...» icon.
Here — for your reading pleasure — is a countdown of the year's most - viewed stories about far - out technologies and the entrepreneurs who are dreaming them up.
Live streaming of this event will begin at 5:30 p.m. [View the story «New American Mosaic: Diversity and The Innovation Economy» on Storify]
Even so, you can appreciate the story more if you know what has happened previously, because the game tells what happens to familiar characters afterwards and there are elements of viewing the story from the angles of different forces.
You may view this story in its original format at STAT.
From Edward Snowden to Miley Cyrus, the most viewed stories of 2013 on the Guardian website varied in seriousness and style
For now, users on the low - data - usage version of Facebook's main app can only view Stories, but the company tells me posting is coming soon.
The options, while viewing the story, are great as you can read all the text or auto play it with voice overs.
Unlike its competitor's app, Instagram's feature — and the one launched by Facebook — allows users to see quickly how many views their stories or collections have gotten.
I've long held that the stories of the bible, put in the context of their time and culture, make for great theater, especially if taken out of the hands of the very religious, who necessarily view the stories only through the lens of their faith, ignoring the true telling details of the society in which they are based in order to wring Truth from them.
These cryptically - named missions will be solved by going to a particular character's story and either finishing a battle or viewing the story sequences there.
As with other implementations of Snapchat Stories, you'll be able to see who has viewed your story over the course of its existence.
So despite criticism and a slow start for traction, Facebook is doubling down on Stories by testing the ability to create them from desktop, and a much more prominent placement for viewing Stories atop the News Feed instead of in the sidebar.
But interrupting the feed to get people viewing Stories indicates just how crucial the ephemeral, full - screen sharing format is to the future of Instagram.
If You Want to Go Far, Go Together [View the story «If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone.
15:45 - Jay has gone a bit too far, there, suggesting that in «microcosm» what we have heard today reflects the dangerous press tendency of viewing the story as being more important than the truth.
The feature works almost identical to that of Instagram's version, you can move back and forth through updates by tapping left or right, leave direct replies on people's Stories, and you'll be able to see who has viewed your Stories as well as the number of times each of them has been viewed.
You may view this story in its original format at High Country News.
Most Star Wars stories opt to view the story through the lens of the rebellion, but Mark Thompson, game director at EA's Motive Studios, said «We wanted to give the Empire heroes in that same way,» further explaining «We settled on this idea of telling a story from the Imperial perspective.
This story, written in haste, uncertainty, and pressure to board a plane, is the most viewed story on WUWT, and spawned hundreds of other stories and links.
View her story on her website or sign up for her newsletter to get a free copy of her e-book 21 Query Letters That Sold.
Our sister publication, Supermarket News, has published a list of its most viewed stories from 2013.
As seen in the video below, Context Cards allow Snapchat users to view Stories posted by the customers at a business, allows them to seamlessly order a Lyft or Uber to that business's location, call the business directly, make a reservations, and more.
Princeton examined this issue in - depth at a conference in Dublin: View Story Here.
While viewing a story, you can tap on the left of the screen to move backwards or tap on the right of the screen to move forwards.
Previously, mobile web users could only view Stories, which have to be created in Instagram's native apps.
Live Stories can apparently attract about 20 million people on average in a 24 - hour span, which means that ad space on a 20 - million - view story can be worth about $ 400,000.
«We view the story pivoting to capital return and services from the boom - bust of iPhone cycles over the next several years.»
If we view this story through the lens of God playing with Abraham the way that we might play with a piss ant, then we have to come away with a terrible impression of God.
Viewing both stories as being about «near death experiences» could help Christians avoid expecting special exemption from sickness and death if they trust God.
[View the story «The final day at Natural Products Expo East» on Storify] È
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