Sentences with phrase «to vote down»

The phrase "to vote down" means to reject or disapprove something by casting a negative vote. Full definition
Fortunately, these resolutions were voted down by us and other shareholders.
Everyone who even mentions it gets voted down for no reason.
If the deal does get voted down, I will buy back in, at much lower prices.
I won't vote this down, but I can't quite justify voting it up yet either.
The school board voted down the proposal, citing a concern about the loss of funding for the rest of the district's schools.
Developer Related Companies had been tapped for the plan, but the council voted down the proposal 45 - 1.
If parliament votes down the article 50 deal, then parliament must decide what happens next.
With those sentiments in mind, initially, legislators voted down two of the three pay raise measures.
In such a dismal scenario, talking about buying a second policy is voted down because the relevance of a second life insurance policy is usually lost on us.
Members voted down 17 amendments after approving the first one.
Indeed, the more radical expressions of black power were suppressed by force, and the more radical proposals to the churches were simply voted down.
I'm pretty sure, as much as I'm sure of anything at this point, that a government can have things voted down without needing to resign / dissolve etc..
An 11 - 4 majority of the commission voted down a proposal for a «mixed member» PR system.
Now charters can expand with money meant for public schools and they even voted down a provision requiring transparency from charter operators.
The body voted down a motion to increase transparency around certified concessions.
I also clicked on a downward arrow thinking I was going to look at more comments only to find it said vote down.
According to numerous reports, the players likely voted it down anyway.
The party's national executive committee meets today and is expected to vote down moves to change the leadership rules and discuss a review of the general election campaign.
I don't know why someone voted it down, though it might be better for legal than political.
Alas, the 86 - year - old wasn't able to work his magic for a third time — it was voted down in a referendum.
The state's voters have twice voted down private school voucher initiatives, in 1993 and 2000.
The community here tends to vote down overt self - promotion and flag it as spam.
Please add it to your question before people start voting it down.
The issue is that free speech was provided for anti choice proponents, but an alternative plate giving the same right to free speech to pro choice proponents was voted down by the legislature.
The state constitution requires that voters be presented with such a ballot question every 20 years; it was voted down in 1997 and 1977.
You speak the truth, yet you get voted down.
«Unfortunately the gentlemen on the town board voted it down,» she told the audience.
The report also will consider options in case borrowing is voted down by the voters.
via:: The Guardian Biodiesel Subsidies American Taxpayers Pay in Biofuel «Splash and Dash» Scam Food As Fuel: Collateral Damage Renewable Energy Incentives in the US Renewable Energy Incentives Stalled in Senate Senate Votes Down Green Incentives
Second, retaliatory action by the Lords — in terms of voting down further statutory instruments until its powers were curtailed — could be very disruptive.
The Export - Import Bank dodged a bullet today when a Senate committee voted down Scott Garrett, a climate change denier and bigot.
Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart - Cousins has published a comprehensive account of all legislation introduced, and their sponsors in a piece titled Senate Republicans Vote Down Gun Safety Legislation.
People who voted down for it, i hope you get ran over by a combine harvester
However, it also suggests that he feels confident enough to call the SNP's bluff, realising that they would not vote down measures on which they agree with Labour.
That city's merit - pay plan proposed in 2002 was overwhelmingly voted down by teachers (1892 to 73), even though it did not base bonuses on student test scores.
The committee voted down amendments to ban assault weapons, bump stocks and high capacity magazines — priorities for Parkland residents and their supporters.
A plan to replace meeting room biscuits with a range of avocado - based snacks is narrowly voted down on the grounds of being «too passé».
Instead, they will allow breeders to continue to force their dogs to live on painful wire strand flooring (which was recently voted down by the vets on the Canine Health Board), and breeders will not be required to provide their dogs access to outside runs.
Inhofe's proposal was ultimately voted down in the Senate by a vote of 53 to 46.
Although shareholder proposals act as a way for shareholders to engage directors, the majority are still voted down with little fanfare.
Lawmakers voted down last - minute amendments to the bill that aimed to strike clauses allowing practices that the U.S. Federal Communications Commission rejected earlier this year in its own ruling on net neutrality.
Speaking to the Exiting the EU Committee on Wednesday, the Brexit Secretary conceded that it would not be impossible to prolong Article 50 negotiations, having previously said that the deal would «fall» if MPs vote it down.
Depends - if you're a republican who voted in an open primary and you were just messing with the Democrats, probably not; otherwise, I would put those primary votes down as pretty solid for Obama in the general election.
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