Sentences with phrase «to vote in favor of something»

In a current survey with more than five thousand men, 87 % voted in favor of us as the best sex hookup site for men searching for ladies.
Flanagan was among the downstate Republicans who voted in favor of it.
Three Republicans voted in favor of it despite the Bush Administration's opposition to a panel that would compete with or replace a monitoring committee established this summer by the Administration and the National Governors» Association.
Every Republican on the committee voted in favor of it; every Democrat voted against it.
All together, seven GOP lawmakers from New York opposed the plan; only two House members from New York voted in favor of it, Reps. Chris Collins and Tom Reed.
In fact, the idea that the UK would leave the EU was so preposterous that many voted in favor of it simply as an act of protest, motivated by the assumption that their vote «wouldn't matter» because «remain» would win out anyway.
After Sandy Hook, there was a lot of talk about this and our local schools» Community Education Council actually voted in favor of it,» Borelli said.
As the House of Representatives prepares its final round of votes before approving a $ 1 trillion tax package on Thursday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo got one last slam in against the measure and the New York Republicnas voting in favor of it.
Pink, meanwhile, produced a video in which she begged members of the Council, many of whom have expressed skepticism and even outright opposition to the proposal, to vote in favor of it on Friday.
The bill gained support in the Senate from both Democrats and Republicans, including the Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos, who voted in favor of it in part after a provision for smoking was removed.
Rep. Chris Collins, a key Trump supporter from western New York, copped in an interview to not reading the health care bill before voting in favor of it.
«It is now up to see if the assembly votes in favor of it and reflects that campus feeling.»
Every Republican Senator voted in favor of this bill, and 23 Democrats also voted in favor of it.
Every time we choose a more sustainable option over one with environmental, social, or health concerns (or all three, in some cases), we are essentially voting in favor of it, and every time we choose to boycott a product or company that is at odds with our ethics and principles, we remove our financial support from that company's bottom line.
Pawlick went on to create a Massachusetts news Web site, no longer operating, that was controversial for its strong stance against gay marriage and against the Supreme Judicial Court justices who voted in favor of it.
Only 8 Republicans voted in favor of it, while 44 Democrats voted against.
There has been one vote by city council so far to increase the permit number and they voted in favor of it 5 - 2.
Only two Republicans from New York, Rep. Chris Collins from Buffalo and Rep. Tom Reed of Corning, voted in favor of it.
His main focus when he ran an unsuccessful primary challenge against then - US Sen. Hillary Clinton in 2000 was his opposition to the Iraq War and the fact that she had voted in favor of it.
«Mr. Grimm must have trouble understanding the legislative process because I voted against the bill not once, but twice despite calls from colleagues and organizations on the left to vote in favor of it,» McMahon said.
Kennedy had previously been on the record, of sorts, in favor of the convention referendum, contribution money to a committee backing the vote in favor of it.
And some state lawmakers say there are at least 40 votes in favor of it, more than enough to pass it.
«I commend Assembly member Aubry for the hard work and dedication he put into drafting and advancing the legislation and I thank all of the Assembly members who voted in favor of it,» the Borough President added.
Graziano said he suspected a «fake follow» had been afoot with Yassky's vote: that he voted «no» to appease his constituents who opposed the project, but gave his fellow members the OK to vote in favor of it.
(He later founded a newspaper devoted to attacking gay marriage and the Massachusetts justices who voted in favor of it.)
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