Sentences with phrase «to vote one's conscience»

Apparently, we only vote our conscience if we vote based on what you think.
At the very least they provide a means for voters to vote their conscience on narrow issues.
Why not exploit the proportional system for European elections and vote your conscience for once?
If separation of church and state means no one is to vote their conscience if said conscience is formed by religion, why would you go for the «catholic» vote?
You should vote your conscience for the person you think will lead our country where we need to be.
59 % of evangelical pastors believe that Christians who vote their conscience will not all vote for the same candidate 63 % believe that Christians are not obligated to vote for a candidate with a reasonable chance of winning [LifeWay Research # 5]
Asked if he had promised campaign financial support to nervous Republicans, DeVos, who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2006, said in a telephone interview: «I am pleased if I was able to help encourage legislators to truly vote their conscience without fear of political retribution from the other side, which is known for its heavy - handed tactics.»
He has a duty to vote his conscience with the best information available, and as information is constantly changing, it'd be pretty easy to give a good reason for changing his mind and getting the suit dismissed.
The vote would be not unlike the vote on the Marriage Equality bill; legislators should be free to vote their conscience without anyone thinking they have abandoned their position on abortion.
Green Party members said rank choice allows people to vote their conscience instead of feeling they're casting a vote on a potential «spoiler» who could drain votes away from one of the two major parties.
No one is saying don't vote your conscience but keep in mind that a secular government protects EVERYONE, not just the group that happens to be the majority at the time.
If Romney were to choose a Black VP, perhaps someone like Condoleezza Rice, Black Americans would be free to vote their conscience as opposed to voting based on race.
He's forbidden members of his party, Fine Gael, from voting their conscience on the bill, slated for a vote this summer.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has released New York's delegates to vote their conscience in the race for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee.
That was on display this afternoon when the Dump Trump forces made a last - ditch attempt to get a minority report out of the Rules Committee and onto the floor for a vote — an effort to let delegates vote their conscience and be released from any pledged support for any particular candidate.
Progressives in MI who agree with Dennis Kucinich but plan to vote Uncommitted: Why not use this opportunity to vote your conscience?!
Winning marriage equality in New York requires the Democrats to keep their promises, and Log Cabin will continue to work to ensure that Republicans vote their conscience when that finally happens.»
«It is time to bring marriage equality and these other LGBT issues to the Senate floor for votes and have members vote their conscience.
Senators should of course vote their conscience, but they should not stand in the way of the will of the American people.»
after careful research, she can now demonstrate with evidence who votes their conscience.
Three out of five evangelical pastors (59 %) disagree with the statement, «Christians who truly vote their conscience will vote for the same candidate.»
He said that the concept «holds that jurors have a right and even a duty to vote their conscience if they feel the government is engaged in injustice.»
The practice of allowing members of Parliament to vote their consciences makes it easier for dissenters to live with the law, because the outcome isn't decided by party leaders but instead by the entire body of legislators.
As he told me during a CapTon interview, the senator plans to be an «emissary,» spreading the word to fellow Republicans that it's politically safe to vote your conscience on gay marriage.
Instead of endorsing Trump, Ted Cruz oozed «vote your conscience
Legally reducing my tax burden helps me vote my conscience with my dollars and put my money where my mouth is.
For you to consider it imposing our beliefs on someone else instead of voting our conscience, that is also hypocritical.
I guess you have to vote your conscience.
Two - thirds (65 %) disagree with the statement, «Christians who truly vote their conscience will vote for the same candidate.»
A majority also believe that Christians can vote their conscience and end up supporting different candidates.
The mormon religion's only statement regarding your vote is that you vote your conscience.
What we have to do then is instead of voting along party lines — vote your conscience.
They're not «voting their conscience,» anymore than racists were voting theirs when they opposed equal rights.
«There are a number of strong candidates in the race, and given the feelings on all sides,» said one Cuomo insider, «the governor wanted people to vote their conscience and has released New York's delegates to do so.»
As a result, members of the IDC were urged to «vote their conscience
Defenders of Mosley say the caucus took no official position on the East Ramapo bill, and members were free to vote their conscience.
Cancer - stricken Arizona Sen. John McCain wrote in his new book that his current term would be his last so he believed he could speak his mind about the current political climate, and vote his conscience «without worry.»
With the words «vote your conscience,» Ted Cruz ignited a firestorm Wednesday night, one that showed no signs of cooling off Thursday morning.
As strongly as I believe in Chris, you have the ultimate responsibility to vote your conscience.
«As Assembly members, we vote our conscience, presumably.
But right now, the only poll that matters is the one that's going to hapen tomorrow when voters go to the polls and vote their conscience
Skoufis did not bow to political pressure at midnight and sign the bill, and instead chose to vote his conscience.
«I expect our colleagues to vote their conscience and to really look at his record and see if he's the kind of nominee that's worthy of our support,» she added.
Barbara never hesitated to speak her mind and vote her conscience.
A supporter of Ms. Starkey speculated that she was receiving opposition because she voted her conscience for an Attorney General candidate at the recent Democratic State Convention, and she was being punished for this through this primary.
«Every member of the Legislature ought to have the right to vote their conscience
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