Sentences with phrase «to vote with someone»

He took an easy victory, being declared the winner after the first round of voting with more than half of ballots cast for him.
Naughty rebels of the week: The three Conservative MPs who voted with Labour against sale of forestry lands.
Up to half of them could vote with Labour against the proposals.
If you are going to vote next month, I hope people vote with who they think will lead the country in a better direction - not because they aren't christian enough.
You all can force these car companies to do the right thing by voting with your wallets.
But there are further complications, including the fact that committee members often do not vote with their county leaders.
A total of 66 Labour MPs voted with the government, which was on the higher side of expectations.
Sorry guys that 84 trillion goes way back to the start of politicians paying for votes with the blood of children.
He insisted, however, he wasn't in the race to simply split votes with his hated rival.
Therefore, brokers holding shares for their customers will not have the ability to cast votes with respect to these items unless they have received instructions from their customers.
The minority shareholders can always vote with their feet by selling the stock — although they would have little to show for it.
Well consumers voted with their wallet, so its not a surprising that this would come to a head.
With traditional mutual funds you don't go to the shareholder meetings yourself: you've got proxies, and the default policy is to simply vote with management.
Or if you believe you have absolutely any saying then vote with your wallet although to be fair this is not the bulk of the revenue.
In the debate on climate change, birds have already voted with their wings.
It's worth noting that there may have been circumstances which prevented the MPs from voting with the Government that were out of their control.
This year the three members, out of more than 52 candidates, were elected by a majority vote with little discussion.
If you don't like it, then just vote with your feet.
It was a party - line vote with a Democratic majority.
What's more, parents vote with their feet: a charter school that doesn't fill its seats because of poor performance can not survive.
This year it has not gone well and we have started voting with out feet.
Whatever their stance on the issue, customers vote with their wallets.
It may be alright in their country to sell them, but you can still vote with your wallet by refusing to buy them.
This is our top pick for small breeds and we find that it consistently gets the popular vote with small dog owners.
Our readers voted with their fingers for their favorites among this year's articles, clicking on these more often than all the others.
What is known is that parents and students voted with their feet.
Because - even in a buyer's job market like the one we're in currently - people are going to ultimately vote with their feet.
I'm just surprised we haven't seen a bigger / faster shake up from investors voting with their feet.
We're usually reserve our good votes with a car's looks, but in this case, we just had to admit it.
She splits her own votes with one mention here compared to six in Best Actress.
I will refer to the percentage of students in each school who link voting with good citizenship as the school's civic climate.
Engineers vote with their time, and are mostly trying to invent interesting new things.
Many investors have likewise voted with their wallets, so to speak.
The point to being an atheist and involved in these discussions is that for better or worse much of the country votes with some religion involved in their views.
Kill the dreaded veto vote with a range of healthier dishes on your menu.
I'd like to ask everyone of you to reach into your heart, let's be conscious and vote with love, not with hatred.
At that moment, the teacher lays on his campaign to win her «not guilty» vote with charm and the promise to buy her art.
Authors can now vote with their feet and now self publish.
But with my reader hat on, I can definitely vote with my wallet.
And before anyone says I should vote with wallet and not support the publishers, let me say I AM.
If we really want to change the world, we have to move beyond voting with our dollars and come together to demand rules that work.
I'm trying the whole voting with my wallet thing this year.
This is a proven way to have your visitors vote with their mouse as to which version engages them more.
I would like to see more people vote with their consumer power and stop buying refined foods and chemicals disguised as food.
That is for the market to decide by voting with their wallets.
But why did voters not vote with their hearts for a party that they seemingly trusted more with the NHS?
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