Sentences with phrase «to wait for a price drop»

Still waiting for price drop on a few other games this year and we keep getting the same games on sale all the time.
If you don't think it's worth it then just wait for a price drop or whatever.
I will definitely get this, but will wait for a price drop since i have these three games already for ps3.
In many instances, I have found that switching to 100 % stocks after waiting for a price drop makes a lot of sense.
I've just been waiting for a price drop because I won't do $ 70 for a controller.
Well said mate, It does seem as if Wenger has put his feet up after signing Lacazette and is now probably waiting for price drops before signing anyone else.
So I've been waiting for a price drop for Dragon's Crown but since it was made free for PlayStation Plus members, I downloaded it and enjoyed finishing it.
If you absolutely need another action game on the Xbox One, you could do worse than pick up Quantum Break, but everyone else should probably wait for a price drop.
Anyone looking to get a few good sessions of puzzle solving will definitely find themselves disappointed and it may just be worth waiting for a price drop before investing in any sort of bubble popping.
really disappointed... wanted to upgrade but i will now wait for price drop or g6
But shouldn't investors wait for the price drop to stabilize before jumping in so they won't be, in Wall Street parlance, catching a falling knife?
I'd get WWHD and play that first because it's Wii U so support that... but play DKCR before DKTF... maybe wait for a price drop on it.
I'll wait for a price drop of «Prof Layton» so nothing for me this week.
The message that we as Vita players should send to publisher is that memory card are expensive so we save money not buying MC and getting physical only games or we save money buying MC but waiting for price drops at 50 % for the digital only games.
- Jon waited for a price drop on a game that LAUNCHED at $ 20?
Been wanting to try this out, but I'll wait for a price drop first, just like I did with every otherLego game., portable or not.
This is a game I would avoid but if you just have to get Watch Dogs wait for the price drop.
As one of the most successful consoles of all - time quietly enters its twilight years, people still waiting for a price drop or a birthday or the death of a wealthy relative before they commit to buying an Xbox One are still enjoying some excellent new releases.
As crazy as it might sound, I loved Ground Zeroes, but I know that I may be in the minority, even amongst fans, who might have been expecting something more and should perhaps wait for a price drop.
If you plan on going solo, you might want to wait for a price drop until they include some voice chat for random people.
Don't bother waiting for a price drop to 80 Microsoft Points for Steam Heroes, the game is too large to fit into the file size limit for 80 MSP games.
It's not exactly an expensive game, but if you're seriously desperate for something that resembles an early PS2 or Dreamcast title, in both qualities and flaws, then wait for a price drop and then grab this one.
As for Borderlands, ill just wait for a price drop.
I can wait for a price drop on Dissidia and Batman, if I decide to get them.
For anyone looking to grab a Fire, I would highly recommend a refurbished iPad instead for the same price, or to wait for a price drop when iPad3 comes out.
This is definitly great news especially for my friends in the Uk who have been waiting for a price drop since day one.
However, if you're a JRPG diehard or just want to add to your library, Alliance Alive might be what you need.If the game is charming, but you're feeling cautious, it might be worth waiting for a price drop.
I had this on WiiU and was quality... but gonna wait for a price drop before re-purchasing this!!!
And if you aren't a legacy Soulcalibur fight veteran, you may want to just rent or wait for a price drop.
I would recommend Mad Max as a rental or wait for a price drop.
If you can wait for a price drop, then it's recommended for your children.
Free for Plus Members to check out but everyone else should wait for a price drop.
Whether you've been waiting for a price drop or the next big piece of VR tech, HTC Vive announced that it will...
The replay value here seems comparable to other ImageMovers mo - cap films and that is enough to consider a purchase, but reactions to this are so varied that you'd be wise to start with a rental and wait for a price drop.
Whether you get it now or wait for a price drop, Disney's DVD release of Napoleon and Samantha is well worth checking out.
In short, it'd be one that many will consider worth adding to the collection and it should get enough play to justify a discounted release date buy rather than waiting for a price drop or rare sale.
I got a Wii U (wish i waited for a price drop to be honest) and i asked what my wii would be worth, told me # 30ish and in dollars thats like $ 50 or so.
Wait, wait, wait... Batman has gotten 9 - 10 from pretty much every reviewer, yet, in a time when there's like... nothing worth playing coming out, some of you are saying you'll wait for a price drop?
I will wait for price drop or newer better version.
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