Sentences with phrase «to wash one's feet»

They asked the volunteers to wash their feet with tap water and dry them before wearing the socks for at least 10 hours, in a specified type of shoe.
I couldn't wash my feet in the shower — hip patients have real trouble reaching their ankles and their feet.
I couldn't wash my feet in the shower.
If you suspect an environmental allergy, try washing his feet as soon as he comes in from outside and keep his walks short during pollen season.
I mentioned earlier that cleaning someone's bathroom would be a good modern version, and no doubt appreciated by a lot more people than having a strange man wash their feet.
Finally, wash the feet so that patients can be prepared for the x-ray.
In this post, I suggest some ways that you can wash the feet of other people around you.
In the morning, wash the feet with warm water.
Remember when Jesus washed the feet of His disciple?
It's all happening — what next — prayer times set aside for Muslim students during school, wash basins like at University of Minnesota so they don't try to wash their feet before praying in the school basins for washing hands, demands for special cafeteria food, demands that girls cover their heads, then faces, then disappear from school altogether, wake up New York and hold on to our great city before they knock down the rest of the buildings!
Later, Jesus would imitate Mary by washing the feet of the Twelve, telling them to do the same.
False equivalancy: Your baby in incabable of bathing itself, adults can wash their own feet, but instead jesus washed their feet because he's gay.
In the New Testament, Jesus is criticised for socialising with female «sinners», and the woman who washes his feet with her tears and costly perfume has traditionally been assumed to be a prostitute.
«It's a theological statement about servant leadership - think of the picture of Christ washing the feet of his disciples.»
Actually the pope did wash the feet of two women today as it states in the article... «The 76 - year - old leader of a more than 1 billion Catholics called up 12 of the young inmates from different nationalities and «diverse religious confessions,» according to the Vatican.
The Royal Maundy is an ancient ceremony which originated in the commandment Christ gave after washing the feet of his disciples the day before Good Friday.
Wash your feet daily in warm (not hot) water and never soak your feet.
Also, He told Peter that those who have had a bath need only wash their feet.
During Thursday's Easter Week Mass at a shelter outside of Rome, Pope Francis washed the feet of Muslim, Christian and Hindu refugees and declared them all children of the same God.
Younger Christians are weary of pitched cultural battles and are longing for the «real Jesus» — a Jesus who talks more about washing feet and feeding the poor than flashpoint issues like same - sex marriage and the sanctity of life.
I've heard from gay Christians offering words of thanks and encouragement, from mega-church pastors and youth leaders saying «message received,» from college students and grandfathers and stay - at - home moms who are ready to «stop waging war and start washing feet
According to ANSA he said: «This [preventing attacks on Islam] can not be accomplished by just washing the feet of a young lady or organizing an interfaith football match or tournament.
i think there are many indications of Jesus being married in the bible, one particular instance where Mary of Magdalene washed his feet with her hair.
Whether you choose to dine on a table where the water meets the sand letting the gentle waves Wash your feet or perhaps you prefer a scheduled area along the beach or maybe somewhere under The trees, let us create an evening to remember for a lifetime... We will consult you beforehand in order to create a fully personalized service, arranged in the Destination of your choice by your personal chef and presented to you by your butler.
If you were god, would you create a rapture so these nutty people will spend eternity washing your feet and praising you?
Evangelicals lost the culture wars the moment they committed to fighting them, the moment they decided to stop washing feet and start waging war.
Yet except for Catholics on Maundy Thursday and a few sects, not many Christians wash feet.
The ablutions before prayer simply require the washing of the hands up to the wrist, washing the face and the head — a part of it is sufficient — and washing the feet up to the ankle.
Her action was FULL of passion in so much that she literally washed his feet with her hair.
Why do you think Jesus was so non-judgemental to the averge person; drinking with sinners and tax collectors, saving fo - rnicating women from stoning, letting prost - itutes wash his feet, healing on the sabbath.
Plus, the whole fact that they are playing up the fact that he would even wash the feet of jevenile offenders... it sounds condescending... like he is so much better than them and so it is even more amazing.
Because everyone wore sandals that allowed dust and dirt to get on their feet, it was hospitable to wash their feet upon arriving.
Washing feet brings together the water of baptism with the Eucharist meal.
Washing feet means human touch, and it challenges us to trust the encounters that gentle touch may provoke.
Washing feet enacts the incarnation, ministry and passion of Jesus.
We watched with delight — or was it dismay — as a prostitute washed his feet with her tears.
This is the continuation of a personal custom; when he was Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the archbishop of Buenos Aires, he famously washed the feet of AIDS patients and drug addicts.
That is to say, those who are marginalized become center stage and the one who is usually center stage washes their feet
As Christians, we are reminded today that our ultimate allegiance belongs not to a political party or even a country, but to the Kingdom of God, where the first is last and the last is first, where the peacemakers and the poor are blessed, where enemies are forgiven and slaves are set free, where our King washes feet, where abundant life grows from a tiny seed into a tree — not by power or might but by the Spirit.
At least Franky the new guy washes feet rather than decorate his own.
Following a brief homily on John 13, the university's president and senior administrators (including myself) come to the front of the room, where our campus pastor washes our feet.
This was the first time the pope has ever washed the feet of women — not to mention that one of them was a Serbian Muslim, which is another break in papal tradition.
When Knols washed his feet in disinfectant soap, the mosquitoes did not stop biting, but they did stop heading for his feet.
The interview sections are fascinating, and scenes of the pope's travels, during which he frequently washes the feet of those who come to him, are moving.
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