Sentences with phrase «to wash someone out»

I think the key to not looking washed out in black (I'm quite pale) is to tweak and brighten your makeup just a bit.
If this happens the blood flow slows down, and the waste materials get washed out of the muscles slower.
Images look washed out in bright light and overly noisy in low - light, making it very difficult to reliably capture useful pictures.
By the way, did you manage to find some other kind of matte film suitable for adam that doesn't wash out colors?
Our low - light photos at the demo area had significant noise with washed out color.
This means that the muscles get a steady stream of nutrients, while the waste materials get washed out of the heart sooner.
One of my own tricks for not getting washed out by pastels is to wear it with a brighter color.
Images come out soft and full of noise, and colors look washed out as well.
In our studio and outdoor photo tests, images were a little washed out in bright sunlight, and detail quality was reduced in low light.
So image quality is good, despite the colors feeling kind of washed out on the screen.
Unfortunately it also has pretty poor viewing angles, easily washing out when viewed off - center.
The veins in the marble prevent the kitchen's all - white elements from appearing washed out.
It doesn't necessarily have really high contrast, the black levels are a little bit washed out, and it lacks the punch in colors.
The colors are quick, easy to use and wash out easily.
The only noticeable problem is that the colors look slightly washed out at times.
Leave it in or wash it out for shiny, healthy, glowing hair.
Noise becomes incredibly annoying, while colors are getting more washed out as the environment goes darker.
The games that provide these things become successful and the ones that break the contract usually end up going free - to - play or are completely washed out of existence.
I love how it has a hint of grey for color, but it is not too washed out.
You might want to treat your hair ahead of time with the coconut oil, and then wash it all out with soap as a follow up.
Then just wash it out with your normal shampoo and conditioner — simple as that!
Then take a towel and cover your hair and let it sit for about 30 - 60 minutes before washing it out.
So many agents wash out quickly when they realize how much work it is.
On the visual end I am not a huge fan of these types of screens because colors on video and pictures often look very washed out.
In addition to to the thousands of damaged homes, buildings and washed out roads and bridges, another major concern are the many oil and gas wells that were flooded.
It offers a nice pop to your look without washing you out.
I am trying your regimen, I just feel washed out all the time.
My skin used to look washed out after removing other makeup.
I like these because there's no chemical treatment, so the effectiveness doesn't wash out over time, and they're machine wash and dryer safe.
Less than convincing, the camera boasts a slow shutter with issues around washed out colours and less than crisp edges.
Only bad thing thing is it will run if you don't wash it out well, you will have red pillow cases!
Each time the white washed out all the color without the aging look of brick.
If heavy spring rains wash out half the crop, and the rest of it dies in the summer drought, a longer growing season won't help.
Especially loving those jeans — I really prefer a more washed out black denim!
This time I want to draw everyone's attention to my favorite ways how to makes washed out jeans look great on you this 2018 year.
Drinking lots of water each day will help you feel full and wash out toxins.
The brand seemed like something my mother or grandmother would buy as the colours available seemed washed out, pale and a little dated.
The screen is clear and bright when viewed straight - on, but the picture washed out from the sides.
My sister - in - law also pointed out I won't be able to grocery shop, hang washing out, carry anything or clean the house for six weeks.
However, in an out door, sunny environment, where most screens become washed out, the reflective mode allows the user to see the screen clearly.
This modern palette that includes washed out shades mixed with bright pastels is really calling to me lately.
On my pale skin, it can wash me out pretty easily, but I find wearing it on the bottom eliminates that factor.
It's a decent looking screen with nice colors and contrast, but it tends to get more washed out during off - axis viewing.
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