Sentences with phrase «to wash the windows»

The phrase "to wash the windows" means to clean the glass on windows using water, soap, and a cloth or squeegee. Full definition
I haven't washed my windows in a couple of years.
I have laundry to fold and I'm determined to wash the windows today.
But on that one day when you fall, you will not be washing windows ever again.
If you're doing some spring cleaning, be sure and wash your windows so you can enjoy your view outdoors.
If you do not have time to do things like vacuum or wash the windows in this area, you will need to work with a cleaning company in your area.
Clean your house as you usually would but add on some extras like washing your windows, scrubbing your oven, microwave, and fridge, taking a Magic Eraser to any marks on the walls, and getting your carpets cleaned.
Mega Flights, Mc Lean, VA 2008 — 2011 Airport Custodian • Cleaned and maintained the airport areas • Mopped floors and vacuumed carpets • Cleaned ashtrays and took the trash out • Replenished and sanitized bathrooms • Wash windows as directed
One particular scene I love is when Paddington carries on washing the windows of the sequestered Colonel Lancaster (Ben Miller) despite his grouchy refusal.
Raja: Washing windows doesn't identify me, I am a lot more than a window washer, I am a human being.
General cleaning in the store including washing windows, sweeping and mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, dusting displays, and organizing merchandise
• Swept and wiped floors, vacuumed carpets and cleaned the wash rooms • Dusted furniture and polished metal handles regularly • Cleared the snow from parking area and pavements • Washed the windows regularly • Inspected and tested fire extinguishers regularly
And I would hire someone to wash my windows because as charmingly beautiful as they are those suckers would be a pain to clean!
Did you re-organized your closet, wash windows etc?
Dancing around the house while washing the windows will surely get a lot of laughs and certainly help burn some energy.
Tip: It is a good idea to avoid washing your windows when the sun is beating down on them, as the heat can cause the cleaning mixture to dry too quickly, which may leave streaks.
A man washing windows in San Francisco this week learned just how amazingly safe the Toyota Camry is.
He endlessly washes windows on a Mies der Rohe family house.
Completes vehicle service requirements by washing windows, lubricating, changing filters, tires, and belts, keeping coolant, window cleaner, and tire air up to level, etc..
S / he also washes windows, shampoos carpets, buffs floors, empties waste, vacuums carpets, and polishes floors.
• Maintain a clean front office, including daily vacuuming and dusting and washing windows once per week.
Set aside a weekend to go above and beyond a simple cleaning: Power wash the windows, mop the garage floor and scrub inside drawers and cabinets.
i do wash window screens and vacuum behind the fridge.
So when I weeded the bicycle lane of Lincoln Boulevard and washed the windows at Fort Point, I truly felt like I was getting ready to play host for a party.
He decides to work odd jobs around the neighborhood like washing windows, cleaning gutters, and dog grooming in hopes of saving up the money.
I am highly skilled at: vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, dishwashing, laundry (including folding), and washing windows with the help of a ladder.
Other easy tasks include washing the windows, staining the deck and painting outdoor furniture.
To help your buyer feel clear about his or her intentions, wash your windows regularly, and keep window - coverings simple, highlighting the view as opposed to closing up the curtains.
Three things that I put off because I just don't like to do them — changing lightbulbs where I need to climb up on a stepstool to do it; cleaning the ceiling fan blades because I have to stand on the bed to do it; and, like you, washing the windows because no matter how much I wash there is some damage in between the panes of glass, and they will never look clean.
Washed windows as needed, emptied trash.
So where are Herzog and de Meuron going to be when it is time to wash the windows in this thing?
Driving into the city back in the pre-Rudy days, I would invariably be besieged by beggars offering to wash the windows of my car, and on the return trip in the evenings my car would often be approached by topless prostitutes everyone referred to as tunnel bunnies.
The future cardinal of Prague, Cardinal Vlk, was sentenced to wash windows on apartments and office buildings» and many later recognized his face on television after his elevation.
If you operate heavy machinery or wash windows 50 stories up, stop reading now, but for those office - bound folks whose jobs entail being creative at work, there's new research that suggests an occassional drink or two might do you and your business some good.
On that day, we fling open our blinds and we wash the windows from the inside, we sweep our floors because the light has shown us the dust of our comfort.
Or get out in the sunshine and throw yourself into a mindless task like weeding, raking leaves, or washing windows.
Wash the windows, whether you want to hire someone to do this for you, which is usually quite cheap and safer if you're a little scared of ladders like I am.
«Washing the windows myself saves 200 bucks a month,» he says.
Let them wash your windows for you in big swishing movements form left to right across the midline.
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