Sentences with phrase «to watch cartoons»

Also, when not being entertained by our veterinary technicians, the animals enjoy watching cartoons on the flat screen TV positioned just for them.
One of my favorite dinners as a kid was fish sticks dipped in ketchup, while watching cartoons with my cousins.
Mostly they were watching cartoons in the other room.
At around 5 pm I half - ass dinner, let the kids watch cartoons while I recover from said meal, and then begin the bedtime routine.
Instead of watching cartoons, make it part of your family night to watch cooking shows together.
Taking the course with us is as easy as watching a cartoon show marathon.
Love to dance, still watch cartoons with my kids.
In my free time, I enjoy watching cartoons and baking.
She doesn't watch cartoons but likes the way that they are drawn.
Even young children grow to associate this particular breed with this activity, largely from watching cartoons and from seeing clips on videos where these dogs are being actively used in a rescue.
I love watching cartoons with him and hearing him laugh.
So kids, go watch some cartoons while daddy watches some game trailers.
Like many children, a disproportionate amount of my formative years were spent watching cartoons.
The level of distress was lower in the group distracted by watching cartoons during both injections.
Almost none of us can imagine an evening without watching cartoons or movies.
If he doesn't get to watch his cartoons at exactly 8 am... he throws a fit lol!
It's not something that you probably would have ever guessed just watching the cartoon.
Ever since you were a child watching cartoons, it has always been shown that cats love to eat fish.
You're right, the TV will be perfect for your little one watching cartoons on.
It was a suite and they had their own room so while they were busy watching cartoons and kid's movies I was free to watch whatever I wanted.
You can have countless discussions about how you will raise children, what you will name them, whether or not they will be allowed to watch cartoons containing violence, etc..
If not, he plays on the floor while his brothers watch cartoons and I eat breakfast.
Sometimes the girls watch a cartoon while I get dinner ready, but normally we hold off on too much tv during the week.
Walking home we passed a toddler in a stroller watching cartoons on a tablet.
It's about a little boy who would rather watch cartoons and read comics than pray with his father.
I remember when I was their age how ready I was to get home, have a snack, and watch cartoons after a half - day of school.
Any weekend morning and most evenings after school were spent parked in front of a television set watching cartoons.
I have been coming out in the morning with coffee while the kids are inside watching cartoons.
If I allow my children to watch cartoons in the evening, will that stimulate them?
There's something that makes me feel like a kid watching cartoons.
After endless days of watching cartoons, I was bored.
If you prefer to take our online course it is as good as watching a cartoon, and you may log in and out; complete it at any pace you like!
The online course is just like watching a cartoon, and it may be taken from any smartphone or tablet device!
Early on, a little black girl is watching a cartoon on TV.
I'm a huge kid at heart, I love watching some cartoons.
I still watch cartoons and not just the adult swim ones.
I want to watch cartoons at this time and this stuff is on every single night.
Can I come and watch cartoons with you too in that beautiful room.
Congratulations on your adoption process and I to agree nothing like cuddling with the little one while watching cartoons.
While this wouldn't exactly qualify as a «must - see» (and box office numbers reflect that somewhat), it is enjoyable enough to appeal to those of us who watched the cartoons as kids and today's generation of youngsters.
I didn't grow up reading the comics and watching the cartoons before school, but it's by far the best playset in Disney Infinity 2.0:.
And yet sometimes, between the ones who can't get out of bed and the ones who've been up watching cartoons since six, it's hard to find the time to even mix up a power smoothie, much less sit down and eat in the morning.
Now kids who are growing up can still watch the cartoons once enjoyed by the generation before them on YouTube, with parent's discretion of course.
But at least he says he didn't totally ruin the day — Tyler came to Eddie's work and chilled out watching cartoons in the conference room while he worked.
All of the girls sat blankly watching cartoons in little red dresses with numbers pinned to their their chests for identification.
Americans read neither the Bible or their historic do - cu - ments but only blasphemous cartoon novels or watch cartoon movies.
Besides, some of my favorite childhood memories are from Saturday mornings packed in on the couch with my siblings watching cartoons.
Those of us who grew up watching the cartoon know that there was a massive battle on Cybertron that caused the Autobots...
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