Sentences with phrase «to watch the children»

Having children can also promote the experience of many positive emotions, be it through laughing at something funny a child says or the joys of watching a child grow and mature.
He also enjoys watching his children play various competitive sports.
If you are a parent you know the joy as well as the pain of watching your child grow up.
More daycare centers are installing cameras and even provide parents with the ability to spot check and watch their child while at work.
You and your partner spend the day taking turns watching your child for signs that he needs to pee or poop.
Watching children in play activity can give important insights into their progress and abilities.
Watch a child with a set of building blocks and you experience how innate the act of creating is in human beings.
Watching children at play with a much - loved dog is wonderful to see, and contact with a pet helps kids grow into loving, caring young people.
You'll usually be the one who watches your child learn something new, and you'll have more chances to share special times and make memories.
As a mother, I now get to enjoy watching my children love this place as much as I do, which brings me so much joy.
Start by watching your child closely for signs of potty training readiness.
People shared stories of friends in the group who helped them buy cars when they couldn't get to work, who watched their children when they were in a pinch.
Watching your child suffer from a serious injury can be an overwhelming experience.
Some monitors work with smartphones, tablets, or desktop computers so caregivers can watch their child from anywhere.
You can't watch your child closely enough when there's water around — in a recent study, nearly 9 in 10 drowning deaths happened when a child was under someone's supervision.
That would be so scary to watch your child go through.
I do love watching my children grow, and it is such a pleasure to hear what is on their minds.
I did, partly because it's been unexpectedly moving growing older with these characters and actors perhaps simply because it's invariably poignant watching children become adults.
They give you the convenience of having someone watch your children so you can go do what you need to do around town or at home.
It was almost like watching your child learn to ride a bike — lots of input required at the beginning, but once they were up and running, they were off!
As parents watch their child grow and progress, they often notice their child's preferences and behavioral tendencies.
No one wants to see a child suffer, but for parents, watching a child experience discomfort can be especially anxiety - provoking.
There are few things worse than watching your children die.
So while we experience the joy of watching our children blossom and grow, we can fill ourselves with the freedom and the richness of living that results when we open ourselves to growth.
Never mind that I had to stand outside for hours watching my children do outside - y type things.
But if she expects me to watch her children on a regular basis, it is my business.
Parents also enjoy watching their children during these play experiences and do not want to see their kids frustrated or crying when playing, because they can not get clothing on correctly.
But instead of just watching the child play, dive in and participate, too.
We meet the teachers and then watch our children walk onto the bus or into the front door of the school with their new backpacks and shiny shoes.
Watching animals grow from puppy / kitten to dog / cat is much like watching children develop into adults.
That means you'll have to tolerate watching your child make mistakes or do things that you wouldn't do.
You both will gain bonding experience by interacting together, and you will fit more confident by watching your child grow and learn.
It's always painful to watch a child get hurt but when they get back up they are richer for it.
Every parent knows that feeling of watching their child eat each and every bite with fear of something getting stuck.
Enjoy watching your children find new friends at the playground, while you can do the same in the resident's lounge or the media center.
Of course, these symptoms are all quite vague and easy to overlook, especially when you're busy also watching your children or visiting with friends.
Watching my children take ownership over life's little celebrations warms my heart.
You will have to start watching the child more often because he or she will start running into coffee tables and cabinets.
As sad as you may feel watching your child cry, it is important to remember that your child's behavior is normal.
Furthermore, as hard as we try, we can not always watch our children.
She spoke of a parent lovingly watching their child sleep at night.
One of the great moments at a first birthday party may be watching your child pick up bits of his cake and feed himself.
If we allow ourselves to step back and watch our child build his own foundation, we might find a new blueprint for our own childhood home - and trust in the renovation process.
This is why you should not only watch your child carefully but you should use child safety locks for doors and cabinets.
For example, a husband may have a pension from work that he believes he is solely entitled to, since the wife has been at home watching the children all these years.
Watching a child ride the roller coaster of development from the sidelines is tough for parents.
Watch your child light up with pride using this carefully structured program designed to ensure success.
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