Sentences with phrase «to wear a helmet»

The phrase "to wear a helmet" means to put a protective headgear on your head to keep it safe. Full definition
I can get a ticket for not wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle in my city.
Write things students can do to stay safe while playing sports, such as wearing a helmet while riding a bike, following the rules in a game, etc..
Instead, many of the top grossing movies show characters who don't wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle or horse, etc..
And be sure to set a good example by always wearing your helmet when riding your bike.
He was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, which doctors said saved his life.
There are a couple of exceptions to this rule, although we'd recommend always wearing a helmet for safety reasons.
In case a baby wears a helmet in right way, there shouldn't be problems like discomfort, skin irritation or bad odor.
Yet the idea of wearing a helmet as a pedestrian is so absurd as to be laughable.
Have your child wear a helmet as soon as they begin riding a bike — this way it becomes a habit!
So our children need to protect themselves by wearing helmets whenever possible.
We make our kids wear helmets yet many adults choose not to wear them.
A child who wears a helmet significantly reduces their chance of suffering a traumatic brain injury in a bicycle accident.
Many of these injuries and deaths could have been prevented if more motorcycle riders and their passengers wore helmets.
Some riders do not wear helmets because they think helmets will limit their view to the sides.
Making sure your child wears a helmet while riding his bike and applying sunscreen correctly on your daughter become high priorities.
The new law will demand that young riders wear helmets when they ride, stay on the sidewalk, and keep their speed under 35 miles per hour.
Characters race down a highway on motorcycles without wearing helmets.
Aside from wearing a helmet, there are different safety options parents... MORE will want to consider when children are riding a scooter.
When you ride a bike with your kids, make sure to wear a helmet with them.
When you ride a scooter you should also wear a helmet and appropriate clothing.
It is important for children to wear helmets which fit properly and meet safety standards.
I don't recall seeing significant numbers of people wearing helmets until at least the early 1990s.
This type of law requires all motorcycle riders and passengers of all ages to wear helmets whenever they ride.
You have probably seen once a baby wearing a helmet and you didn't know why.
There are guidelines on the bikes to encourage users to safely and responsibly, including wearing a helmet and using appropriate arm signals.
Believe it or not — some historians say that the beginning of the downfall of the Roman empire was when they stopped wearing their helmets.
Research shows that wearing a helmet reduces the risk of suffering a head injury by 69 % and the risk of death by 37 %.
The trick sometimes is getting kids to wear them, wear the correct helmet, and wear the helmet properly.
My kids still wear their helmets and they are in their teens.
Everyone knows wearing a helmet is important to ride a bicycle safely.
We never wore helmets and I paid him in food and beer, asking him to take me to where he usually ate.
Not only could wearing a helmet save your life, but it can also prevent debilitating injuries to your brain if you survive the accident.
The best defense against injury is wearing a helmet equipped with eye and face protection.
Nonetheless, many states have severe laws in effect, because not wearing a helmet means one is three times more likely to experience brain injury following an accident.
When children see their parents consistently wearing helmets, the use of helmets by children increases dramatically.
Many kids, especially teens, don't like to wear a helmet though.
You are always safer wearing a helmet and protective gear!
It is recommended that surfers wear helmets for protection.
If a parent wears a helmet, their child is much more likely to follow suit.
In the exhibit, users wear a helmet that wirelessly projects footage of their face onto a massive wooden head.
That is why the soldiers wore their helmets in battle, and how the helmet was used.
Despite wearing a helmet, he suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Wearing a helmet significantly reduces the risk for head injury.
Hot and sweaty means an irritated child who hates wearing a helmet, and you don't want that.
Although your toddler may not enjoy wearing a helmet, this is a very important safety measure.
Wearing a helmet decreases the incidence and severity of traumatic brain injury during crashes.
Obviously wear a helmet and be responsible but go explore.
Children under 14 must by law wear a helmet when biking, but helmets are ALWAYS a good idea, no matter how old you get.
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