Sentences with phrase «to win lottery tickets»

There's no denying it: cheaper batteries are like winning lottery tickets.
If not, you may want to encourage your children to start playing in heavy traffic, or with heavy machinery — for many distressed consumers, the loss of a limb might be their only winning lottery ticket in life.
«I plan on writing for a living» is about as realistic as «I plan on buying winning lottery tickets for a living.»
At the time there was a new charter school being built and I, one of the biggest traditional school proponents, gladly tossed my hat into the ring for two winning lottery tickets for acceptance into that school.
Perhaps the students were lucky, but statisticians say they would have been more likely to pick winning lottery ticket numbers than to make that many wrong - to - right erasures by chance.
There is no way to predict who will or won't have twins, any more than there is a proven method for picking winning lottery tickets, betting on horses, or playing the numbers in Las Vegas.
3) Question: I found a million - dollar winning lottery ticket in the «discarded tickets» bin at a convenience store.
Andrea Hill, a securities lawyer at Toronto - based Wildeboer Dellelce, says the licences are like winning lottery tickets.
You may fantasize about landing a much higher paying job, getting an enormous bonus (or a sweet stock option), coming into an inheritance, or even having a winning lottery ticket.
Many were surprised at Buffett's stance given that he has often slammed executive stock plans as being tantamount to giving away winning lottery tickets.)
This recipe is the gastronomic equivalent of finding a winning lottery ticket in my sock drawer: --RRB-
Nobody's that lucky, even at a time in our history when people are constantly testing their luck, when it's O.K. for ambition to be satisfied with a winning lottery ticket.
we are out of this title race because the way we are playing, not because we are down by 10 pts... must say, fun to watch LC go from first last yr to this garbage now, vardy & mahrez left a winning lottery tickets on the table, crazy
Three years ago the frenzy over McGwire and Sosa home run balls prompted Hallinan to devise a tagging system to authenticate these winning lottery tickets falling out of the sky.
«Sociality can be thought of as evolution's winning lottery ticket,» Hughes says.
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva called it Brazil's «winning lottery ticket» and later flew out to a platform ship to symbolically inaugurate a giant test well, dipping his hands in the «first oil,» like some Hollywood idol leaving footprints in wet cement.
In 2001, Probst made the transition into feature films as the director of Finder's Fee — a drama concerning a man who finds a wallet with a winning lottery ticket.
A street artist questions his ethics after finding a wallet that contains a winning lottery ticket.
At least until she encounters a dead hotel maid during their Hawaiian honeymoon — and figures out her new hubby is responsible for the disappearances of several other women who look like our heroine (including one who actually bought the winning lottery ticket).
And those touched by the misfortune are not that twice removed, including Ginger and her ex-husband Augie (Andrew Dice Clay), suckered into putting their one ticket to happiness (literally a winning lottery ticket) into one of Hal's monetary scams.
This economic uncertainty is translated into the quest of Bruce Dern's character Woody, a fragile elderly man who is determined to take what he believes is a winning lottery ticket all the way to Nebraska.
First, «Three Strangers» (1946) tells the cynical tale of a trio bonded by fate and a winning lottery ticket: Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre and Geraldine Fitzgerald.
Additionally, actor Robert Blake (Perry in the 1967 film) as a child played the little Mexican boy who sells Bogart the winning lottery ticket in «Treasure.»
Negulesco's «Three Strangers» tells the cynical tale of a trio bonded by fate and a winning lottery ticket: Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre and Geraldine Fitzgerald star.
It's safe to say this film will tank, filmmakers wouldn't sit on a winning lottery ticket.
It does not contain gold bricks, vinegar, winning lottery tickets or anything else.
Plastic gift cards with concealed codes that can be scratched off (like scratch and win lottery tickets) for bookstore sales.
(Assuming you do not have 1) a Fairy Godmother, 2) A Sugar Daddy, 3) the winning lottery ticket in some form or fashion.)
It turns out that those people who choose the traditional path — buying a winning lottery ticket — are earning almost ONE MILLION TIMES what the «self - investors» are earning.
I think this information should be useful to people who are deciding whether or not to buy a winning lottery ticket.
This is a bit off topic, but I just completed a study that compares the earnings of people who buy a winning lottery ticket vs. the earnings of people who invest their $ 1 in other ways.
You're not looking to protect the winning lottery ticket.
Besides, who has a personal property limit equal to the value of a winning lottery ticket?
Renters insurance will either not cover or sets limits of a few hundred dollars on cash and cash equivalents, so a winning lottery ticket wouldn't be covered.
Major income changes: job loss, new job, big raise, winning lottery ticket or inheritance from a long - lost uncle.
But an investment thesis, whether it's macro or micro, is not a winning lottery ticket you simply collect on, it's not a belief or principle you defend to the death, and it's certainly not some map that's etched in stone.
With billions in new sales set to flow into the industry in the next few years, these companies could be sitting on winning lottery tickets.
It might not be as exciting as a winning lottery ticket, but we're pretty sure it's a win for pet care!
Bad luck followed him with accusations of robbery and arson until he found a winning lottery ticket.
Costa Rica's winning lottery ticket, the tourism boom, might have well brought in another import — the Mexican phrase Pura Vida.
All three «next - gen» systems are available on the market and the Wii is selling like it comes with a winning lottery ticket.
Sean Vanaman, who along with fellow Campo Santo team member Jake Rodkin helped write and design The Walking Dead, reports in the new developer's inaugural update that founding a game studio is «like a mix of buying a winning lottery ticket and taking a brash detour that results in a near miss with a pedestrian.»
As in, if Tricky could play The Phantom Pain or pick up a winning lottery ticket stuffed in a Spicy Chicken Sandwich (from Wendy's), he would play The Phantom Pain.
Stay focused on what is being said and you just might hear the winning lottery ticket numbers.
At issue here, after all, is a fee for service − not, as Mr. Macintosh observed, a winning lottery ticket.
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