Sentences with phrase «to work the angles»

The phrase "to work the angles" means to find clever ways to achieve or get what you want by using strategic methods or tactics. Full definition
This is why you have to work every angle in order to land the internship.
Foreign rights can be lucrative too if your agent works this angle and shops them aggressively.
«In consumer trends, we often see that organizations work every angle possible to get traction,» he says.
Which means that you still need to work every angle for a possible advantage in your job search.
By working every angle, and collecting fees at each step, the company faces potential conflicts of interest that enable it to make money on what is otherwise a costly foreclosure process.
We observed and spatially resolved the disk around the ~ 10 Myr old protoplanetary disk HD 100453 in polarized scattered light with SPHERE / VLT at optical and near - infrared wavelengths, reaching an angular resolution of ~ 0.02», and an inner working angle of ~ 0.09».
To prevent starlight leakage at the inner working angle of a phase mask coronagraph, we have introduced a Lyot - based low - order wavefront sensor (LLOWFS), which senses aberrations using the rejected starlight diffracted at the Lyot plane.
#NARSissist Dual - Intensity Blush Palette Work your angles with an all - in - one cheek palette.
Vance's office said that there are likely other scammers working this angle in the area and warned locals to watch out for similar scams on the street.
Because WWE clearly saw they had a chance at a creating a Reality Era defining shoot / work angle here and... they just leaned too hard into it and its tainintg what should be an otherwise very entertaining feud.
Members of the Thameside Works Angling and Preservation Society (TWAPS) have kindly agreed to let the Fishing for Schools Kent group use a club water, that is normally only open...
They did not allow themselves to be caught working the angles, or triangulating, or attempting to reach an accommodation with their internal political opponents.
But while he's no longer working the angles in Albany, the case of Pedro Espada Jr. still represents our clearest profile in political dysfunction.
While the 45 ° row worked this angle along with the upper front pull, you have more strength from this position and can add thickness to the inner lower lats by isolating the area.
Of course I think this is fantastic, since many of my posts work this angle!!
Companies like Zoosk are busy working those angles and are phenomenally successful at it.
You'll get more smiles, stares, and way more messages on dating sites than you would back home, but yeah don't expect them to cold approach you without working some angle, especially just on the street.
There are plenty of chess moves to take in in the trailers (above and below) as Ava and Nathan work their angles against each other.
The creepy kid is one of the cornerstones of the horror genre, especially in cinema, and Dakota Fanning works this angle amazingly.
Pro travel photographer and Travel Photo of the Year judge Paul Harris works the angles More
It is designed to improve the sensitivity and dynamic range of high - resolution imaging at very small inner working angles, down to 0.09 arcseconds in the case of LBTI / LMIRCam in the L' band.
Train with exercises that work every angle of the muscle group like hanging leg raises - holding a pull up bar and raising your legs so your body is bent to a 90 - degree angle for four sets of 20 repetitions, and planks - holding yourself in a push - up position on your elbows for four sets of 30 seconds.
Toronto - born journalist Guy Lawson's new book, Octopus (Crown), tells the thrilling tale of Israel's fraud, capturing the trader's growing sense of claustrophobia as he snorts coke, works the angles and gets more and more entangled in his own lies.
The RTO dealer is going to work every angle to get you into the car, truck, or SUV that you need and that fits into your budget.
That's because Compassion has worked every angle to try to stay open in India since last February, when India's Ministry of Home Affairs put it on a list of organizations needing prior approval before transferring funds into the country.
We've worked every angle to force regulations to work for animals.
Whether Elder's gimpy wheel would heal by Saturday wasn't clear, but you got the sense that Jack would be working every angle in the interim.
«Stay tuned,» he said «We are working every angle, also our partners in the Senate in particular.
He worked the angles right up until stepping to the press - conference microphone, gaining Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's agreement by withdrawing a proposal to cap medical - malpractice awards — then claiming that the proposal was a head fake all along to gain passage of deep cuts to Medicaid spending.
Some birds of paradise really know how to work their angles.
This multi-purpose high - contrast visible and near - infrared (R - to K - band) instrument is not only intended to serve as a VLT - class «planet - imager» instrument in the Northern hemisphere, but also to operate as a technology demonstration testbed ahead of the ELTs - era, with a particular emphasis on small inner - working angle (IWA) coronagraphic capabilities.
Abstract: High throughput, low inner working angle (IWA) phase masks coronagraphs are essential to directly image and characterize (via spectroscopy) earth - like planets.
The extent to which wavefront aberrations upstream of the coronagraph are corrected and calibrated drives coronagraphic perfo... ▽ More High throughput, low inner working angle (IWA) phase masks coronagraphs are essential to directly image and characterize (via spectroscopy) earth - like planets.
We observed and spatially resolved the disk around the ~ 10 Myr old protoplanetary disk HD 100453 in polarized scattered light with SPHERE / VLT at optical and near - infrared wavelengths, reaching an angular resolution of ~ 0.02», and an inner working angle... ▽ More Understanding the diversity of planets requires to study the morphology and the physical conditions in the protoplanetary disks in which they form.
The NICMOS coronagraph inner working angle (IWA) is 3.2 ë / D at 1.1 ìm.
Male peacock spiders know how to work their angles and find their light.
It is designed to improve the sensitivity and dynamic range of high - resolution imaging at very small inner working angles, down to 0.09 arcseconds in the case of LBTI / LMI... ▽ More We present the first observations obtained with the L' - band AGPM vortex coronagraph recently installed on LBTI / LMIRCam.
From week to week, as you vary your working angles, try alternating between using the barbell and dumbbells on exercises.
We pump up the power in this circuit - based class to work every angle of your body.
Work those angles!
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