Sentences with phrase «to work with someone in this way»

And so he was talking to us about working with us in some way.
Burke gave the caricaturists nothing to work with in the way of personal corruption, but he was ruthlessly condemned as a traitor when he opposed the French Revolution and supported monarchy.
If she is turning 3 years old and you've been working with her in the ways mentioned but she still hasn't added new words or started putting words together, then you should talk with your pediatrician or seek the advice of a professional speech language pathologist.
The Parrish employees are very gracious and eager work with you in every way possible.
Here was an object used to create many other objects in the exhibition, and to work with it in a way Albers might have gave us a deeper understanding of that time and place, which we greatly appreciated.
While every GC works with us in the way that's best for them, all agree to contribute to make AdvanceLaw succeed for all.
You may be lucky enough to find a solid wholesaler in your area who understands the value you bring to the equation and will work with in a way where you both win.
It is a very small yard, with no trees and nothing really to work with in the way of any existing structure, patio or shrubs or anything.
We hoped they would take the property from us, or agree to a short sale, or work with us in some way.
«They need to be at or above our level in their given market, willing to be a partner and willing to invest in our business and work with us in ways that can add value to their brand on our ship, whether through co-branding, marketing opportunities or training opportunities.»
Please contact me via the form below if you wish to work with me in any way.
Birthstones are perfect to work with in this way, as not only do they look gorgeous but they have that extra layer of meaning as well.
We're happy to work with them in any way that would be helpful.
It is absolutely the right of the federal government to make that decision, and we would regard that as an appropriate act and work with them in every way
«I authorized yesterday a lawyer representing my 2013 campaign to reach out to the U.S. Attorney's office and offer any assistance we can provide, let them know we're happy to work with them in any way that would be helpful,» de Blasio said Wednesday after a speech at the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network's convention.
JJ's is the first wholesaler that's been able to work with us in this way,» he said.
If you are interested in having Jon come to your event or would like to have him work with you in any way, go to
The stylus makes the device easier to work with in some ways, and harder in others — the piece is superthin (not unlike what you'd see on a Palm Treo 680, for example), so holding it can get tiring very quickly.
If you'd like to work with us in any way, or if you'd like to send us an article or discuss an idea for one, please contact us or send an email to lola [at] slowtravelstockholm [dot] com.
That means you have forty seconds to work with in a way.
We have submitted our application to the Chinese authorities, and will work with them in every way we can to ensure that we become accredited as soon as possible.
Large commercial firms will not be the only firms we work with in this way and ultimately, the level of engagement with all firms will be determined by where the greatest risks are arising and what is the best use of our resources.
We are happy to work with you in the way that suits your business.
Ultimately, clients will work with you in any way you want them to.
I work with in a way which is relevant to the individual.
We hope to work with you in a way that best meets your needs and helps you start living your life to the fullest.»
I will work with you in the ways that are best for you.
I will work with you in a way that builds on your strengths and potential, as well as challenges you to take your life to the next level.
It is possible to receive good quality health care without sharing the details of your story, and health professionals who understand trauma are able to work with you in this way.
My goal is to work with you in a way that feels respectful, challenging and nurturing.
I work with you in a way that helps you understand where those disturbing beliefs and behaviors come from.
I will work with you in a way that builds on your strengths and potential, and challenge you to take your life to the next level.
We want to let customers know that we can work with them in any way that is comfortable for them, but we also don't want to leave anyone behind.
It involves listening, taking their feelings into account and working with them in a way they respond to, whether they're pragmatic or aesthetic or a motivator or facilitator.
«Just about every retailer that you can think of we've worked with in some way or other.»
«Whether via the Internet, our phone center, or our branch offices, borrowers can work with us in the way they feel most comfortable,» says Perry, the CEO of Countrywide.
Multiply your reach exponentially by finding networks of people that are exactly like your ideal client — who you have learned to work with in a way they love.
Instead, take these proven concepts and work with them in a way that makes sense for you.
While my ultimate dream would probably be to start over with a simple bathroom like the one above, I'm considering the likelihood that keeping what I have and working with it in some way might be the most affordable and best option for this season of our life.
Our family room is very similar to this and I've found it hard to work with in some ways.
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