Sentences with phrase «to work with the party»

We will work with all parties involved in the case including clients, expert witnesses and other third parties, as well as perform claim investigations, and develop and manage case files.
There's some mediators who are retired judges that will also work with the parties.
We look forward to working with all parties for a smooth and enjoyable transaction.
This entails working with each party individually, but also seeing them together as the parents, and helping them come to an agreement on a plan that works best for their family.
The attorneys work with the parties to achieve a satisfactory settlement in an efficient, cooperative manner.
Sometimes one coach works with both parties and sometimes each party has their own coach.
In fact, it's not hard — the easiest way is to work with the party organizer and sell something at the party.
The mediator's role is to try to work with the parties towards an agreement which both find acceptable.
Collaborative family lawyers are specially trained, and in the process of collaborative law, two different lawyers will work with both parties by focusing on their goals and interests.
A good mediator will work with the parties until he or she determines that a settlement can not be reached at the time.
Maintaining neutrality is a critical point in an effective mediation, and at our firm, you can be confident that we are unbiased, neutral and work with both parties fairly.
More specifically, over-functioning lawyers tend to downplay the emotional divorce and the ways in the which Coach might be helpful in working with the parties on processing the strong feelings that come up in divorces.
Limited by information provided by biased sources or professionals without the knowledge of working with the parties in a joint effort
«The General Election result adds uncertainty to the political landscape, but BASC has an excellent record of working with parties of all colours to protect shooting's interests.
The team of professionals works with the parties together or individually to acknowledge fears and concerns, and then focus each individual toward a productive, non-adversarial resolution that is acceptable to both parties.
There are typically three types of professionals (or «consultants») who work with parties who choose to divorce using the collaborative divorce process: attorneys, financial neutrals, and mental health professionals (typically referred to as «coaches.»)
In CFL negotiation, the lawyers work with the parties as a team to develop a settlement that best meets the interests of both parties - rather than only focusing on the «rights» of the parties.
One of the ways Collaborative Divorce can be an effective process is through the divorce professionals working with the parties to help them create a different story for themselves on the other side of the divorce.
He says although he is willing and ready to work with people with divergent opinions, he can not work with party members who engage in acts that can affect the chances of the party in the upcoming elections.
He is a veteran GOP consultant who has advised a host of Republican candidates, including Bush, and has also worked with the party committees, as well as in the lobbying world.
Bello who commended the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari also urged Adeyemi to work with party leaders in the state to bring real change to the people.
Specially training collaborative lawyers work with both parties to guide them through the process, and are available to offer legal advice and support to their clients when appropriate.
«I decided to move back to the APC from the PDP to support him because from his utterances, I believed he wanted to add value to democracy and this is three years into his administration and he doesn't work with the party, he regards party members as evil, he doesn't work with anybody, he doesn't consult with anybody in the party.
Cuomo, who prides himself on his ability to work with both parties during his first two years in office, has not objected to the use of his image by Republicans that he has not officially endorsed.
Namco Bandai promises that it «has worked with all parties concerned in the beta staging process to ensure that the November 9th beta round will commence on schedule and as promised».
I enjoy working with parties in ongoing relationships and am...
Mediation is a process in which a skilled, neutral mediator works with the parties, using a step - by - step approach, to gather information, educate the clients, analyze the data, generate options, and, once all the parties are fully informed, negotiate a fair and informed settlement.
H.E.. Mrs. Gaitri Issar Kumar: I am honored to meet the entrepreneurs and look forward working with all parties together to further strenghten the trade relation between Limburg and India «from strength to strength».
The British Humanist Association (BHA) worked with All Party Parliamentary Humanist Group (APPHG) Secretary Baroness Massey of Darwen to table an amendment to stop Voluntary Controlled (VC) «faith» schools that convert to Academies from being able to easily increase the priority of religious criteria in their admissions policies, and briefed peers ahead of the debate.
It doesn't click because they are also frustrated because every government that comes, works with their party manifestos and throw away the long term project,» he told Citi Breakfast Show host, Bernard Koku Avle on Monday.
«I have directed various state entities to continue working with the parties involved to finish the job,» Cuomo said.
«He'd rather work with the party of Trump than keep tenants in their homes,» said Katie Goldstein, a leader of the Alliance for Tenant Power, a coalition of city tenant advocates.
My point with the Independent Democratic Conference has been I'm going to work with any party if they agree with me on the issues that help people in the communities.»
The Comptroller's office will continue to work with all parties subject to the new law to assist them in meeting their filing obligations.»
«I do think breakout races help new media consultants get noticed and get work with the party committees and big SuperPACs,» said a fourth Democratic strategist.
Adamu pledged to work with the party at all levels to bring the needed positive change to the people.
Aimée walked us through self - publishing contract rights; collaboration agreements when working with another party, such as an illustrator; and business structure choices.
EIA works with the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to convince the international community to endorse a global phase - out of the production and use of HFCs under the framework of the Montreal Protocol, while advocating that the UNFCCC also take action on HFC emissions in all country pledges and actions.
South Africa's renewable energy industry is ready to work with all parties committed to achieving an energy transition which is transparent and just,» Martin said.
Working with the party prior to the mediation broadens the experience for the client, before a joint session begins.
As a result, the process includes trained professionals to work with the parties all the way through the case, educating and advising the parties from all three of these perspectives before the client is ever asked to make a settlement decision.
Lynda Robbins works with parties, with the understanding that she will not go to court except to help process the final divorce or other judgment.
These experts then work with both parties together, which is a stark contrast to traditional litigation, Aulis says.
Hospital Plans, Discharges and Consents A Baby Step Adoption Agency works with all parties to complete a hospital plan that meets the birthparents» and adoptive parents» needs and preferences.
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