Sentences with phrase «to worsen something»

These represent billions of dollars of energy capital that must help solve the twin crises, not worsen them.
A diet that ignores these problems will only worsen them and won't give you the results you're looking for.
Your dog might get physically hurt, and you could worsen it bad behavior instead of improving it.
Additionally, passing these tests probably won't do anything to help your legal situation whereas failing them will absolutely help worsen it.
That would trigger serious flooding in some areas, and worsen it in others.
When conditions worsen you batten down the hatches.
Well, as of now, no studies have demonstrated that estrogen blockers can improve athletic performance, and, in fact, there's good reason to believe that they could actually worsen it.
Then I discuss the study mentioned in last week's Dear Mark in which removing polyphenol - rich fruits and vegetables from the diet improved oxidative stress markers instead of worsening them.
Then when my contractions worsened she asked if I was getting an epidural.
It's all a bit of a mess and Miliband will want to worsen it while branding his own populist credentials in the vague hope the public will listen (they won't).
As the disease worsens it can lead to tissue damage, ulceration and gangrene, and in extreme cases may require the amputation of the affected limb.
We have to see if it creates problems rather than potentially worsens them.
It would make sense to me that cutting carbs would IMPROVE my reactive hypoglycemia, rather than worsen it quite dramatically.
I don't want to contribute to that or worsen it into a condition like insulin resistance, so I choose alternative sweeteners that don't raise my blood sugar or require my pancreas to release any extra insulin.
Forcing this situation with the notion that it will somehow help metabolism can just worsen it.
My book is 44 pages and about 2,000 words, and cutting it down to fit the standard would have considerably worsened it.
Just agreeing with them on a reduced settlement amount will not do anything for your credit report but will only worsen it by restarting the statute clock.
If the dog starts associating the dog crate with unpleasant feelings, the dog crate will not help alleviate anxiety when the dog is left alone — it will in fact worsen it, because the dog will feel abandoned and locked up.
Keep in mind that regardless of the paw problem, licking the area will generally worsen it.
The series is titled Corpse Reviver Suite and corpse reviver is a cocktail, said to be lost in time; this drink is meant to be drank when things are bad to make them better (less worsen them in the artist's words) by consuming what made them bad in the first place.
It hydrates my skin but doesn't make my skin oily throughout the day, calms down my eczema so it doesn't worsen it and super lightweight which I love about it ^ ^ people with sensitive skin should try it!!
My derm said if my condition worsens I could try to regrow my hair like men do with drugs like Rogaine and a few others now available (no thank you; any growth that occurs stops once you stop applying the drug).
So, logically, insulin does not help reverse the disease, but actually worsens it.
If our problems are, as I believe them to be, centrally moral and even religious, then the effort to sidestep them with purely technical organizational considerations can only worsen them.
He has seen chelation cause autoimmune disease in susceptible individuals, and worsen it in people already diagnosed.
In practice, the IMF simply advances however much a government needs to bail out its bankers and bondholders, pretending that more austerity enhances the ability to pay, not worsen it.
Among white evangelical voters, 39 percent believe Trump's leadership will improve race relations, while 21 percent believe it will worsen them.
Allergen foods themselves don't cause the rash but they are going to worsen it.
Some 27 per cent believe that a new leader would make no difference to Labour's chances, while 28 per cent think it would worsen them.
Since the crash, a down - spiral is underway in the $ 2.8 trillion municipal - funding system, in which local governments don't have the revenue to meet bond payments, they can't get new financing, municipal bond rates are rising, and, to worsen it all, crazy credit default swap deals have been foisted on localities.
Having TMD may worsen one's migraine attacks in terms of both severity and frequency.»
«Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnoea, impact on a wide variety of chronic conditions, potentially leading to their development or worsening them, including diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and possibly even cancer.
Instead of improving the situation, he may worsen it.
«We knew antibiotic use increases the risk to develop the disease; now we know they can worsen it, too.»
The pain continued to worsen It was about the point where it woke me up every night three or four times.
Far from clearing acne, cranberry juice is likely to worsen it.
What imbalances does the person have that are causing the disease and continue to extend and worsen it?
Once a lancethas been used, its surface is rougher, the lubricant wears off and the point is duller.Any handling of the lancet, such as cleaning with alcohol, tends to worsen it.
But a high fiber diet tends to worsen it.
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