Sentences with phrase «to wrestle with someone»

The last four years of trying to make a living at this or that, as well as wrestling with the confusion about my vocation, has taken its toll on me.
Our goal is for students to take up the challenge of wrestling with ideas among themselves; the teacher serves as an initial catalyst for discussion.
Reduced to basics, following this path requires wrestling with what it means to live between the ages, taking both ages seriously.
A growing number of people are deleting it, or at least wrestling with whether they should, in light of its latest privacy debacle.
Getting more comfortable means eating more regularly, playing with more intensity, and wrestling with other dogs.
I completely agree, and that's one of the most interesting questions about wrestling with price.
He's an artist wrestling with ideas and emotions.
We spend a lot of time wrestling with investment selection angst.
If wrestling with a fresh coconut isn't something you are up to on any given day, commercial coconut milk is one of the few canned products considered acceptable in a traditional diet.
Because the power momentum only builds up at high speeds, you end up arm wrestling with the gearbox during urban driving.
He's an energetic sort who loves wrestling with his foster family's other dogs and running around with them in the backyard.
I started watching wrestling with my uncle as well.
This includes wrestling with the responsibilities of school principals, as well as the ways in which school leadership is enacted by teachers and students across each school community.
With deep expertise and experience wrestling with legal, compliance, compensation design and analytic issues.
Generally, anger management counseling techniques require a willingness to «stick with it» on the part of the individual wrestling with anger.
I have been lying awake at night wrestling with the truth about what I am really seeing and experiencing.
These bacteria are the ones I found that are needed for a healthy gut in someone wrestling with anxiety.
Serious question, I'm still as an amateur wrestling with understanding what «climate sensitivity» takes into account.
Much of my life has been given to wrestling with truth.
It might be time to start pro wrestling with our....
Yet when tragedy strikes close to home, these fathers are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, and their faith.
But sometimes a little creative wrestling with and engagement in systems and programs that already exist can make a difference.
One felt a sense of wrestling with shadows or ghosts.
This means there's no more wrestling with mattresses or bumpers.
He explains how, as a district literacy coordinator, he has seen teachers spend much time and mental energy wrestling with score agreement.
Perhaps he could explain his 40 days in the wilderness wrestling with three great dreams for fixing the world — prosperity, peace and immunity from premature death.
As a parent I would not even want my daughter wrestling with a guy.
His discussion of the cross and resurrection looks like a tragic wrestling with this terrible consequence.
Art is always the result of determined wrestling with matter.
Instead of wrestling with statements every time you want to see the big picture, spend an afternoon transferring all of your loan information to a spreadsheet or online tool.
And I think it is a shame this boy had to give up his chance for a championship because of his conflict about wrestling with a girl.
Now I spent more time wrestling with my own dark side.
Western civilization is heir to a rich «just war» tradition of wrestling with the morality of war.
In the clip below, Gilbert, 38, made it clear that despite being openly gay for years, she still wrestles with how people perceive her.
So I still wrestle with God's ways, and I think I always will.
Rather, because the Bible emerged as men wrestled with issues which embarrassed their faith as well as they supported it, the Bible is usually more prepared to face tough problems than its readers.
It isn't always easy to believe that a girl of her natural spark and charisma would have trouble making friends, but when Nadine expresses the self - loathing she's wrestled with for years («I had the worst thought: I've got to spend the rest of my life with myself,» she says early on), something in the pitch of Steinfeld's voice makes it impossible not to believe her.
In his artistic practice, he often departs from his own experiences, where he is both carrying on the refugee's absence and longing for his homeland while, as a white man, he also wrestles with questions about guilt and inherited privileges.
I want all kinds of people wrestling with what it means to live on mission and I am particularly interested in highlighting those new voices in «Thursday is for Thinkers.»
It's probably because no matter how inspiring Robinson's tale may be, he's not a particularly interesting figure apart from his contribution to history, and that's something that director Brian Helgeland constantly wrestles with in «42.»
Schools also wrestled with how to proceed with lockdown drills, which have become as routine as fire drills as students prepare for the possibility of a shooting.
A close analogy is the problem that the computer industry wrestled with when trying to launch touch - screen devices.
For those of us who wrestle with doubts about our faith, and with what it means to be part of the Church, the landscape of Holy Week can be both beautiful and treacherous.
It is, however, in dialogue with society, helping men wrestle with social problems.
On the blogosphere this week, Scot McKnight posted a letter from a young adult wrestling with doubts about his faith.
Didn't Jacob wrestle with God, refusing to give up or let go until he received clarity, direction, a blessing?
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