Sentences with phrase «to write one's post»

I was just thinking about writing a post about how to keep your house clean when you have kids lol.
I was thinking about writing this post on how to not look cold while taking photographs.
I've been thinking about writing this post for quite a while.
I plan on writing a post in the next month that will go more into the rest of my current strategy.
I'm laughing as write this post because if anyone had told me I would be writing about kale I wouldn't have believed it.
These are just some of the many questions I focused on when writing this post.
I know all about breastfeeding woes, I actually just wrote a post about it.
In fact, I'm thinking of writing a posts just about that — I have more footage of that project!
After writing post for my class the last thing I want to do is write more.
I recently wrote a post on how the boys have taught me to have patience in unexpected ways.
I recently wrote a post called Should You Pay for Credit Monitoring?
Since writing the post last week about our old door turned coat rack I realized I have never done a post about our entryway / foyer.
Like yourself, I to didn't write my posts with targeted keywords in mind, just mostly on what I thought my readers would want and hoping to bring in new readers.
I'm quickly eating my breakfast while writing this post as I have lots of errands to run this morning, but I wanted to put up a new outfit post.
Guys, there's been quite a change of plans since wrote my post about the future and my gap year.
This piece of writing posted at this web site is in fact nice.
I haven't written a post in so long and I going to blame it on the resort finally being busy.
Frankly, I even wrote a post last year, why every lawyer should use a mac.
I start with another round of emails and then start writing my post for the next day if it isn't already done.
I've been having some anxiety about writing this post because I don't know whether to call it matcha or matcha tea or matcha green tea.
After writing a post here about dirty diaper storage, I decided I should follow my own advice.
There's a nice round up of writing posts from other blogs, every week.
I recently wrote a post entitled «my not a capsule wardrobe» because, much like you, a capsule wardrobe seems too... strict?
Which is pretty peculiar coming from me, considering I once wrote a post titled «why you should wear heels with everything».
We first wrote this post back in 2009 and since then, it's become one of our most popular resources on the blog.
To write a fair review, I used the product a few times before writing this post.
I actually wrote this post when I was 12 weeks, so read it with that in mind!
And now I am wasting more time writing a post about all the writing projects I have on the back burning and why I am not getting any writing done... Ha!
So writing this post, which doesn't even really go into detail about what's happening in my life right now, was super difficult.
I have to admit, as I sat down to write this post yesterday, I struggled.
I just wrote a post today after 3 + months of complete silence on the blog, and it felt odd but fun.
I also wrote a post on why you need to be wary of the Writing Rules Police.
Beautifully written post This cocktail is such a great idea for these hot summer months.
I've written a post all about my favourite food processor recommendations which you might find helpful!
If you have the capability to know who writes these posts, can I contact you about the future trends of the stock market?
Whatever you write is not going to convince them, so I wonder what purpose is served by writing posts like this?
I recently wrote a post explaining why dividend stocks may not be all they are cracked up to be.
I originally wrote this post several years ago, certain that inflation would increase and that investors needed inflation bond information.
I personally write all posts which vary from fashion to beauty to trends to food and then some more.
I won't labour on about its health benefits because I've conveniently already written a post on this, which you can access by clicking here.
I have a confession and a decision to share with you... I've written this post over and over in my head.
«I recently wrote a post where I describe what that moment of rescue is like for me,» he tells me.
I love giant waffles, writing this post made me so incredibly hungry!
And it hasn't been until writing this post when I even connected the two — so thanks for reinforcing how important this really is.
I'll write another post soon with directions for making kefir for anyone who is interested.
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