Sentences with phrase «tobacco research»

«We need to follow up with cancer survivors long after their diagnoses to see whether they are still smoking and offer appropriate counseling, interventions, and possible medications to help them quit,» said Lee Westmaas, PhD, director of tobacco research at the American Cancer Society (ACS) and lead author of the study.
CAE member and food safety expert Chen Junshi, who has written in his blog that he was ashamed of CAE's decision to elect a tobacco scientist, is now calling on MOST to avoid another embarrassment like the «tobacco academician» and drop tobacco research from its list of prize candidates.
On 3 April, Yang Gonghuan, former deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and now a professor at Peking Union Medical College's School of Basic Medicine, published an open letter to science minister Wan Gang calling on MOST to ban tobacco research from being considered for national science awards.
And like tobacco research, climate science and consensus is under constant attack by those who wish to disuade any action on the subject.
Not a dime was spent on tobacco research or climate polemics.
The tobacco archive establishes how as president of Rockefeller University Seitz brought in major big tobacco research money, and how in retirement he was a major player in directing their research resources.
«I am giving below the names of individuals who you might consider as potential members of the Medical Advisory Committee for the tobacco industry, as related to its current medical problem,» the person wrote to a tobacco research board, alluding to building evidence that smoking caused health problems.
Public health researchers who study tobacco risks say the law's impact will depend on how FDA implements the new rules and structures its tobacco research.
Last year, researchers protested the election of a tobacco scientist to the prestigious Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE); this month many are criticizing the nomination of a tobacco research project for the 2012 National Science and Technology Progress Award.
Responding to the outcry, a MOST spokesperson said that the tobacco research nomination has followed normal procedures.
Clemow will close the program with a presentation of his tobacco research at Mana, followed by a reception and walk - through of his exhibition, including original artworks, archival ephemera, and tobacco plants on display in Mana's Lobby and front steps.
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