Sentences with phrase «today than in»

Although their household incomes are likely not greater today than in 2004, interest rates are generally lower and they may have lowered some of their debt.
Yet agents stand to earn more in commissions today than in the pre-Internet era, because of stable commission rates and surging home values.
Air travel is much safer today than in the good old days.
``... price increases vary unlike the earlier period when rising prices were almost universal; the number of homes sold annually is 20 % less today than in the earlier period and the months» supply is declining, not surging.»
«Schools are a huge driver of where people want to live, more so today than in the past,» Coley said.
When it comes to health insurance for real estate agents, being creative and finding alternatives mean that more agents are covered today than in the past.
«I would say that there are more MOBs under development today than in recent past as many systems are implementing their updated strategic plans, and I expect that to continue.»
The number of homes sold annually is 20 percent less today than in the earlier period, and the months» supply is declining, not surging.
Howell says his committee is hearing more complaints today than in the past.
More are living at home with their parents today than in 2000.»
While borrowers are paying an additional 25 to 100 basis points or more for mezz compared with a few months ago, they're also using more mezz today than in the past, which is also increasing debt costs.
When social psychologist Eli Finkel sought to understand why marriage is more extreme at both ends today than in the past, he discovered something intriguing and disturbing:
Married women perform much less housework today than in 1965 (14.2 hours vs. 30.4), but the amount hasn't changed much since the mid-90s (14.2 hours vs. 15.8).
So, although it has value, a laundry list in say an Areas of Expertise section has less value today than in the past unless it is part of a well thought out ATS driven writing process.
In America, there are nearly six million fewer jobs today than in 2007, and landing a desired job is more challenging than it has been in decades.
Job hopping may be much more common among young workers today than in the past, but that doesn't mean employers are happy to see frequent job changes on a resume.
It means that to have the same purchasing power today than in 1990, you need three times more dollar banknotes in your pocket.
For one thing, the company explains, there are «significantly more iPhones in the market today than in 2014.»
Younger and older people alike are more likely to need Wisconsin renters insurance today than in years past, with both overall population figures and nationwide percentages of renters on the increase.
Life is certainly faster today than in times past.
Having collective bargaining rights, and the right to strike, though important, are less important today than in the past.
Predominantly female, and more so today than in the past.
Today, however, lawyers commonly use unencrypted email without exception, even though there are greater risks to cloud - based email today than in the»90s.
It reports that firms are doing a much better job today than in 1996 in integrating lateral partners into firms, and describes what motivates partners to change firms.
The upshot is that far fewer cases are filed in court today than in the past, according to law professors Margo Schlanger and Giovanna Shay.
«Cybersecurity occupies me more in the prevention realm as of today than in the curing and breach context,» he adds.
We just have vastly more scientists today than in the past as part of the population, meaning that they are not anywhere near as intelligent as their more select predecessors, and furthermore, few if any of them are polymathic enough to understand the limits of scientific inquiry, nor even what science consists of.
As mentioned earlier, natural forcings may be lower today than in 1944 and also there was already 0.81 W / m2 of greenhouse gas forcing then, or about a quarter of 2 * CO2.
Paleo - climate * There is a problem, 2nd Half 20th Century climate variation is unique: — Last 50 - yrs temperature increase unprecedented — Coincides with increased ACO2 concentrations — CO2 is a major GHG — CO2 higher today than in last 650,000 years — Surface temperatures higher today than in the last 1,000 possibly 2,000 years
The perceived link between global warming and extreme weather is primarily due to greater media attention on violent weather today than in past decades.
And there's no reason to beleive that, given the recent increases in UK energy bills, there are fewer households in fuel poverty today than in 2009.
In addition, from an impacts standpoint, droughts have a much broader range of impacts on human activities today than in the past because of today's greater demands on limited water resources.
Full temperature data sets from the Arctic reveal it is warmer today than in 1940.
The rate of warming is on the order of 10 times faster today than in the ice cores.
it is clearly warmer today than in 1970...,,, but the sinks have responded by removing more co2
«This year's bleaching event is 175 times more likely today than in a world where humans weren't emitting greenhouse gases.
The US has cleaner air and water today than in any time in decades.
Either limit the data to July / August or do some sort of seasonal adjustment and the important question should be easy to answer: are extremely hot days more or less likely today than in the past?
Comparing to 1950 it is less likely that 1950 was as fast as today than in 2011 since sea lefel rise is greater.
The graph is, of course misleading IF it is used by itself to show that there are fewer strong tornado events in the USA today than in the first half of the 20th Century.
«CO2 emissions are already some 20 % higher today than in 1997 and are set to increase even further and faster.»
This second versiont goes in to a lot of the background to St Michaels mount, as being a tidal island it gives some useful pointers as to relative sea levels then and now.We seem to be around 30 cm lower today than in Roman times and sea levels oscillate around a mean by some 1 metre.
And very interesting, as I said, it takes more and more temperature to achieve raise in CO2 today than in 1958 or 1978.
A high discount rate means we would much rather have money today than in the future.
The full data for latitudes 64 - 90 ° N reveal the Arctic is warmer today than in 1940.
Four in 10 Americans, slightly fewer today than in years past, believe God created humans in their present form about 10,000 years ago.
Artists are more likely today than in the past to understand that the way they use and dispose of art materials may affect their neighbors, he says.
Whipworms are far less common today than in previous years, because of widespread use of modern heartworm prevention products.
Americans are more burdened with debt today than an in any time in recent history.
Fewer Americans are using credit cards today than in the past.
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