Sentences with phrase «toddler on an airplane»

How to delight your toddler on an airplane.
There certainly are a host of other great travel toys you can opt for instead, as pointed out by Ms. Gumbinner, Mrs. Bee and Rookie Mom Heather Flett in her list of «10 Ways to Entertain a Toddler on an Airplane
Taking a toddler on an airplane requires a lot of planning.
I breastfed both of my babies and also when they were older toddlers on airplanes, all on Continental, numerous times without incident.
When breastfeeding a toddler on an airplane came up as an example one woman's response was, «Give that kid a hug and a cookie!
As I started putting everything together, keeping my bag limited to just a few options, I realized there were so many more ways to occupy a toddler on an airplane than I'd thought!

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I am not usually one to try to quiet a child with snacks, but on an airplane I have happily let my toddlers munch on cookies, crackers, gold fish... in whatever quantities work!!
Continued breastfeeding makes toddlers easier travel companions — nursing on an airplane keeps them quiet and happy.
I am still breastfeeding now that he's a toddler but I can't remember the last time I nursed him in public — probably on an airplane.
Boredom is the number one reason a toddler mis - behaves on an airplane.
Sticker Books: For some reason, sticker books and toddlers go very well together on airplanes.
Courtesy Goofball Island, many of Riley's core memories reflect her family's silliness: food served in a zooming airplane spoon; undies worn on the head; nekkid toddler Riley shaking her patooty to the sheer glee of her parents.
We had a toddler in tow so we always appreciate anything to accommodate her (special bed for her, extras on the airplane.)
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