Sentences with word «todler»

The ridiculous statement that logic would lead one to toss todlers out the window is the OLD OLD Reducio Ad Absurdum arguement, regarded as invalid for thousands of years.
This provides the best option for a very active infant or todler as you child would have the option to jump off the stoller in one minute and the next minute decide to ride in it and they have an option to ride while standing.
And I adore todlers, usually love all of them.
Kids are no longer todlers so I have new time on my hands.
I am a wife and a mum to todler Hazel and baby George.
ok if you think about everything for babies and todlers that have been recalled from cribs, toys, etc. youd think that glass bottles would be in there too.
Now i have two todlers but im a fulk time student at college because for me stayung at home is too stressfull, thats why i admire stay at home moms, the ones thatbdo this 24/7
Although price is always a consideration, your child's safety and comfort is primary so quality should be you utmost concern and with the above models listed, you should be able to have a good choice for you infant or todler.
I do know a couple... he and she are very good looking and their son and daughter, still todlers, are the ugliest todlers I have ever seen.
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