Sentences with phrase «together at climate talks»

UN Climate Change News, 5 May 2018 — International negotiators, representatives of civil society and youth put their heads together at climate talks in Bonn, Germany, this week to look for ways the Paris Climate Change Agreement can boost education, awareness, engagement and cooperation in the fight against climate change.
UN Climate Change News, 5 May 2018 — International negotiators, representatives of civil society and youth put their heads together at climate talks in Bonn, Germany, this week to look for ways the Paris Climate Change Agreement can boost education, awareness, engagement and cooperation in the...

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Warsaw (Reuters)- Governments want to launch a platform at United Nations climate talks to help set common standards and accounting rules and tie together national and regional emissions trading schemes, but developing countries and green groups warned that talk of a global carbon market is premature.
Governments want to launch a platform at United Nations climate talks to help set common standards and accounting rules and tie together national and regional emissions trading schemes, but developing countries and green groups warned that talk of a global carbon market is premature.
Together, we've talked to hundreds of high school students about climate change solutions, and we were keynote speakers at a clean energy rally in Salt Lake City this winter.
This week, as leaders from business and governments are coming together to showcase action and commitments, and demonstrate demand for an ambitious global deal to be made at the December climate talks in Paris, we hope you'll jump in and join the action too by organizing a course or by joining our upcoming EcoChallenge!
Although the world's governments have not come together at the international level, as demonstrated in the most recent climate talks this fall, this is no excuse for inaction.
Ahead of the next round of global climate talks in Poland in November, local governments and business leaders are coming together for the biggest event the world has seen to encourage local action on climate change, at the Global Climate Action Summit from 12 - 14 Sepclimate talks in Poland in November, local governments and business leaders are coming together for the biggest event the world has seen to encourage local action on climate change, at the Global Climate Action Summit from 12 - 14 Sepclimate change, at the Global Climate Action Summit from 12 - 14 SepClimate Action Summit from 12 - 14 September.
For a couple years, my supervisor at that time at Crater Lake National Park, Eric Anderson, encouraged me to put together a climate change ranger talk.
The ultimate goal is for all these proposals to get stitched together into a global climate agreement at UN talks in Paris in December 2015.
I argue that if we take a different approach, like working at the local and regional level and try to facilitate public participation directly in the discussion, then people are more likely to come together, start talking about climate change, plan, connect, and find common ground.
I was talking with a senior contractor to Oracle (the company) tonight at dinner and it seems that the ultimate climate model is a huge multi-tiered database with the science to tie it all together.
BEIJING — Five days of talks aimed at bringing China and the United States closer together on the issue of climate change did not yield substantial progress, according to a Congressional delegation that met with environmental officials and the country's top leaders this week.
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