Sentences with phrase «together by hydrogen»

It's fibrous and aligns parallel to form sheet that are held together by hydrogen.
DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) a molecule composed of two chains of nucleic acid bases held together by hydrogen bonds in a pattern resembling a flexible twisted ladder.
Why it matters: At high pressures and low temperatures, like those found in permafrost or on the ocean's floor, water molecules organize into complex hydrate lattices that are held together by hydrogen bonds.
These protein crystals are held together by hydrogen bonds, one of the weakest chemical bonds, and have an important role in defining the mechanical properties of silk.
When water (H2O) freezes into ice, the molecules are bound together in a crystalline lattice held together by hydrogen bonds.
In this salt, dihydrogenphosphate chains run through the crystal, held together by hydrogen bonds.
On the atomic level, the layers are joined together by hydrogen bonds.
Water molecules are linked together by hydrogen bonds that break and form several thousands of billions of times per second.

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Based on previous research and work in the field of plasma physics, the two former Creo laser printing employees believe they can build a reactor to fuse hydrogen atoms together by pneumatically - driven pistons and produce enormous increases in energy.
At the very bottom of the board we have the 92 simple chemical elements (from hydrogen to uranium) formed by groups of atomic nuclei together with their electrons.
In the resolutions adopted by the Evanston Assembly there is stated as one of the «two conditions of crucial importance which must be met, if catastrophe is to be averted»: «The prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction; including atomic and hydrogen bombs, with provision for international inspection and control, such as would safeguard the security of all nations, together with the drastic reduction of all other armaments.
The diamond - like structural unit consists of six - sided rings of carbon atoms bonded together in chains surrounded by a halo of hydrogen atoms.
In principle, the wave function, denoted by Greek letter psi, can be used to reveal these energy levels for any given atom or molecule, although in practice this has only been done for the very simplest — the hydrogen atom and molecule (made of two hydrogen atoms bonded together).
Like water, it is held together by the powerful bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms, so ethanol can not travel through most petroleum pipelines.
The components are held together by relatively weak and reversible interactions — e.g., hydrogen bonding and aromatic stacking.
In a hair strand, the keratin molecules are mainly held together by two forces: chemical cross-links between cysteines (a type of amino acid) and weaker hydrogen bonds.
Fusion is the process of generating energy by melding together light atoms; it requires heating the fusion fuel (hydrogen isotopes) to tens or hundreds of millions of degrees.
When the water is drained away Berglund found that the fibres join together into networks held by hydrogen bonds, forming flat sheets of «nanopaper».
Also, the pressure exerted on the water is so high that hydrogen bond interactions with the graphene surface are overcome by the attractive van der Waals atomic interaction that draws together the graphene planes.
«Substitute the chicken broth held in a pot by Earth's gravity with hydrogen gas held together by a star's gravity,» said Thomas Kallinger, Matthews» co-author.
Put together by a team at the University of Nottingham in the UK, this gargantuan effort of 118 short vids chronicled everything from Hydrogen (very explosive) to...
For instance, the calcium hydride molecular ion (made of one calcium ion and one hydrogen ion bonded together) used by NIST in their experiments has 100 possible rotational states.
Saturated fats like coconut oil and tallow, are extremely stable because they pack together tightly courtesy of very straight carbon bonds that are all occupied by hydrogen atoms.
Fusion, the nuclear reaction that powers the sun, involves fusing pairs of hydrogen atoms together to form helium, accompanied by enormous releases of energy.
The amount of energy available through fusion is extraordinary.Fusion energy is obtained by forcing together atomic nuclei from deuterium and tritium (another form of hydrogen).
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