Sentences with phrase «together in a good way»

This roasted radish salad may seem simple in flavors but everything comes together in the best way possible.
«I've been in the Senate 25 years, and I've never seen a Central New York delegation work together in a better way than we have in the past five or six years,» DeFrancisco said.
SPECTRUM NEWS VIDEO: Worlds are coming together in a good way over at Tamarac.
Maybe I am taking some thoughts for granted instead of trying to formulate them... let's see if this puts it all together in a better way:
This roasted radish salad may seem simple in flavors but everything comes together in the best way possible.
Totally agree that they bring the cozy and chic together in the best way!
Thankfully it came together in a good way because I was nervous.
Keeping in the budget and without adding many staples, one could look amazing, jut put up all the pieces together in a good way.
«In an intimate way, in a theatrical way, we are deliciously putting the thing together in the best way possible» - Jeff Goldblum #IDR
The components don t wort together in a good way.
God's plan is bigger, better and sees the past and the future and puts it all together in a better way than you can ever imagine.

Not exact matches

This is why Mastercard, for example, recently brought dozens of industry leaders together in Sri Lanka to explore better ways of mitigating the risk that digital security issues have posed.
That's a good thing in many ways, but I can imagine companies will need to train employees on how all of these apps and services tie together.
«They get a well - established conglomerate with a property portfolio, and for the food and beverage segment, there are a lot of ways Thai Beverage and F&N can cooperate together and derive synergy,» said Goh Han Peng, an analyst at DMG & Partners Securities in Singapore.
«The only way we are going to get a good solution is by working together,» Carter told the audience at the RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco on Wednesday.
«Together with Hitch Health, we're able to get thousands of people to their doctor's office or clinic in an efficient and reliable way, working towards our mission of improving people's lives with the best transportation.»
And in tough economic times, when companies are desperate to find new areas for growth, getting everyone together in the same place is seen as one of the best ways to spur innovation.
That's why when there is something good happening we should celebrate every second of it, together, in a way that makes those good things contagious.
Use our Contact Us form to get in touch so we can best pair your interests with opportunities so together we can positively impact the BVI community and the environment in a high - impact, sustainable way.
It's a different way of thinking about investing, focusing on the true drivers of risk and return and putting them together in a way that's designed to create better outcomes.
We believe it really is A Better Deal, that we should be working together in a bipartisan way to create growth that will reduce the deficit, generate good - paying jobs, and do so, again, in a bipartisan, transparent way instead of having trillions of dollars» impact on our economy with this GOP tax scam bill that was done in the dark of night, and, again, in a way that is not transparent, bipartisan, or good for America's working families.
For example, doctor recommendations around cancer research — both in the U.S. and China, where we can pull together data from hospitals, analyze that data in ways that have never been possible before, and provide better potential advice to doctors and nurses — those are just great opportunities for startups.
You've seen that my long - time good friend Steve Schwarzman is going to be here, talking to us, together with the friend of all of ours, Dominic Barton, about that relationship, particularly the economic relationship and that's the conversation we're looking forward to having this morning,» she said on her way in to the meeting.
The two have been in movies together before, ranging from the ho - hum (Baby Mama) to the very good (Mean Girls) but if history tells us anything, it's that this movie's best bet is to find a way to get the two to host some sort of fictional awards show...
The purpose of Christmas markets in Germany is for everyone to come together and have a good time and not to feel excluded or insulted in any way.
I think I'm too simple in my thinking that; if you don't like it, DO N'T WATCH... if you don't agree with it, DO N'T CHOOSE TO LIVE YOUR LIFE THAT WAY... Seems like a very simplistic way of thinking, but I have personal opinions on EVERYTHING, but I don't force others to live their lives according to my moral fiber... i don't judge people for living their lives the way that makes them happy... And i believe that IGNORANCE is the basis for INTOLERANCE... people are famous for HATING things that they don't understand... again, if it MORALLY offends you, don't read stories on things that you don't agree with, don't watch shows that portray choices that you don't agree with... The Brown family seems close knit, almost like extended family living under one roof... the kids work together and get along much better than a lot of «mainstream» households i seeWAY... Seems like a very simplistic way of thinking, but I have personal opinions on EVERYTHING, but I don't force others to live their lives according to my moral fiber... i don't judge people for living their lives the way that makes them happy... And i believe that IGNORANCE is the basis for INTOLERANCE... people are famous for HATING things that they don't understand... again, if it MORALLY offends you, don't read stories on things that you don't agree with, don't watch shows that portray choices that you don't agree with... The Brown family seems close knit, almost like extended family living under one roof... the kids work together and get along much better than a lot of «mainstream» households i seeway of thinking, but I have personal opinions on EVERYTHING, but I don't force others to live their lives according to my moral fiber... i don't judge people for living their lives the way that makes them happy... And i believe that IGNORANCE is the basis for INTOLERANCE... people are famous for HATING things that they don't understand... again, if it MORALLY offends you, don't read stories on things that you don't agree with, don't watch shows that portray choices that you don't agree with... The Brown family seems close knit, almost like extended family living under one roof... the kids work together and get along much better than a lot of «mainstream» households i seeway that makes them happy... And i believe that IGNORANCE is the basis for INTOLERANCE... people are famous for HATING things that they don't understand... again, if it MORALLY offends you, don't read stories on things that you don't agree with, don't watch shows that portray choices that you don't agree with... The Brown family seems close knit, almost like extended family living under one roof... the kids work together and get along much better than a lot of «mainstream» households i see...
In a way that's good because it brings the songs together into one unit.
Love brings people together in real, time tested ways, not lust, and the sooner we see that the better off everyone will be.
We believed that one of the clearest ways we could bear witness to the good news about Jesus was to demonstrate that the gospel has power to bring divided peoples together in a common community.
Together with the opening line of the Letter to the Hebrews («In ancient times God spoke to man through prophets and in varied ways, but now he speaks through Christ, His Son...»), as well as many other biblical texts, this passage reveals to us a startling trutIn ancient times God spoke to man through prophets and in varied ways, but now he speaks through Christ, His Son...»), as well as many other biblical texts, this passage reveals to us a startling trutin varied ways, but now he speaks through Christ, His Son...»), as well as many other biblical texts, this passage reveals to us a startling truth.
Or, better said, I want to be a part of finding a way to live together with deep differences in a pluralistic society.
One of his earlier television efforts, The Addicted Brain, was an exceptionally well - done piece that also brought together science and social commentary in a way that spurred deeper reflection.
But 1,000 or 10,000 people spread out over hundreds of smaller churches and ministries can do just as much ministry (and some of it in better ways, for the reasons you've mentioned) than when we're all clumped together in one big congregation.
Not killing each other is a great gain... «Evangelicals and Catholics Together» emphasizes much of what we share in faith and many ways in which we may pray and work together fTogether» emphasizes much of what we share in faith and many ways in which we may pray and work together ftogether for good.
and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don't want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn't sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn't stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don't want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools (you all) and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don't listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don't go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata (the capital of west bengal, India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments.
Dr Matthews draws all this, and much more, together in a readable and indeed at times engrossing work which challenges the clichés of much of what passes for current medical ethics, and points us to a better way.
Those small days, those days of cleaning routines and daily bedtime baths and nursing, those close - to - home, close - together days were good, too, and they were big and important in their own way.
It is a long way from such an ideal of political activity to the actualities in which it is carried on; but it is essential to our human attempt to live together to see that the «game of politics» is not merely a necessary evil but that it has at its best a link with legitimate good.
The German Roman Catholic philosopher Robert Spaemann has expressed this point very well: giving food to those in need, he observes, can occur as a one - way gift from those who have to those who have not, or it can occur in a feast, where all eat together.
Stories of long - term spiritual growth and fulfillment in church are, in many ways, similar to stories of long - term growth and fulfillment in marriage: what matters more than initial compatibility is long - term commitment to growing together, working through conflict, and learning as broken people to love other broken people well.
By the way Joel there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and unrigtheous here on earth, the earth will be brought back to its orginal state, you are not going to heaven, a mere young boy will touch the head of a cobra, this good news of the kingdom will be preached throughout the entire inhabited earth, seek first the kingdom (God's earthly government) try to put a few of these points together in its proper context Joel.
The devotionof the Seven Churches, in fact, brings together various of the themes we have already discerned in looking at St Philip's methods: it was distinctively Christian and prayerful, allowed for healthy exercise and good spirits alongside its primary purpose of pilgrimage, and was a practical way of getting ordinary young men out of danger's way at a time of potential spiritual hazards.
An evangelical spirit, together with an ecumenical openness, could get lost in piety and obscurity; but properly witnessed it is not only compatible with denominational identity: it is perhaps the best way to motivate people to make their faith a part of their lives.
The early Protestant settlers entered into their shipboard covenants, understood themselves as bound together in «the ligaments of love,» and defined their several callings as the way in which God ordained them to serve the common good.
Screwtape and Wormwood plot and scheme together lay claim to yet another soul for Hell's population and in doing so reveal both their knowledge of human ways as well as the vast array of techniques employed for manipulating earthlings to diabolical ends.
For patients who can leave their homes, walks outdoors in areas away from traffic are a good way of getting together with friends.
When death comes, appraisal must also be made in the same way, for the total pattern of a given human life, made up as it is of a particular «routing» of occasions bound together in the fashion we indicated earlier, has also contributed, or failed to contribute, in its very totality, to the creative advance in good.
The combination of disagreement and agreement may well lead us not to consider splitting but to consider ways we might reorganize into co-denominations of sorts, separating in some ways but covenanting together in some ministries (e.g., relief aid, the publishing house, archives) and administrative programs (e.g., pension and health benefits for clergy).
Taken this way, good Sabbaths make good Christians by regularly reminding us of God's creative, liberating and redeeming presence, not only in words but also through a practice we do together in response to that presence.
Apparently, my ability to put words together in ways that make sense to someone other than myself isn't as good as I think it is at times.
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