Sentences with phrase «told of his amazement»

The father in my workshop told of his amazement at seeing many children there who had barely enough to eat, few clothes, no shoes, no toys, and yet were some of the happiest children he had ever seen.

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It is cause for both amazement and gratitude that, in a century when the promise of Europe migrated to a New World which, or so we are told, offers the prospect of the nearest thing there has ever been to a universal history of freedom and justice, Abraham Lincoln was President of these United States of America.
What stands out in Luke are the depth of his human sympathies, his sense of wonder, amazement, and joy at the power of the gospel, his poetic insight which led him not only to tell the Christmas story in a way that captivates old and young alike after nineteen centuries, but also to incorporate such lovely poems as the «Magnificat» of Mary, Zachariah's «Benedictus,» and Simeon's «Nunc Dimittis.»
Every time I tell something of my personal story, I find to my amazement that others mention with great feeling that they too have experienced something analogous and that my story has helped them see what has happened to them.
It «clicked» with our 2 1/2 year old son by the end of the first day, much to our amazement as the only form of potty training before this was begging him to tell us when he need to go and in return getting a firm «NO».
I thought America was a country where everyone traveled around, but to my amazement, a lot of the people I met told me they had never driven more than 10 miles from their town.
European negotiators had not been told of the deal, and shortly after it had been made other countries watched in amazement as a posse of eight British delegates, headed by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, stormed across the hall to confront the US delegates.
However, as I stood on the side of the road watching this parade of fear - based talk, researchers telling us more research is needed, and advertisements of the latest brain health panacea, I felt, based on my reading of research studies that can be found in any average medical library where, much to my amazement and frustration, few besides me tend to go, something was missing.
«The students really appreciate being able to move around, and they watch in amazement as some of their peers choose and justify their — to them — bizarre selections,» she told Education World.
It is, of course, true that benchmark scores do not always tell the full story, but in this case, we have to take them at face value if only because of the sheer jump amazement that they induce.
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