Sentences with phrase «tolerate ambiguity»

A securely attached person is better able to tolerate ambiguity in relationships knowing that reassurance will be there when it is needed.
Attachment theory also explains healthy development, as securely attached partners are open to reframes and different points of view, and able to tolerate ambiguity, to meta - communicate, to handle learning unflattering things about themselves, to feel and express regret for their past failures recognizing and meeting their partner's needs, and to see their understanding of the world and others as working models.
Practicing meditation in the form of self - reflection helps us tolerate ambiguity.
In many respects, as we now know, the capacity to tolerate ambiguity is a kind of final mark of mental health.
A minister who can not tolerate ambiguity can not tolerate a local church.
She needs closure and can not tolerate ambiguity; Robert Jay Lifton would call her a «constrictive type.»
They have the ability to deal with uncertainty, to take risks and tolerate ambiguity.
Significant portions of personality traits critical to entrepreneurs, like the willingness to take risks and the ability to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty, are heritable.
They can tolerate ambiguity.

Not exact matches

International law often tolerates textual ambiguity, but the cognitive dissonance of a 2 degree objective and commitments that will likely lead to more than 3 degrees of warming is pretty glaring.
And even though Adams seems to tolerate on the same page the convenience of «and / or» as merely «one of the more benign drafting evils» (in appropriate circumstances where it does not result in ambiguity), he «tends to avoid using and / or» in his own drafting (he also provides more commentary, and examples, in his book A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, 2d ed (Chicago: ABA Section of Business Law, 2008) at paras 10.56 to 10.60).
There are simple answers to everything and ambiguity is not tolerated!
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