Sentences with phrase «tolerate small quantities»

, but most dogs can tolerate small quantities of prawns without suffering from any severe or lasting health problems.
The answer is technically yes — cow's milk does not appear to be toxic to hamsters, and most of them seem to tolerate small quantities of it fairly well.

Not exact matches

Fermented veggies and beverages such as sauerkraut, kimchii, beet kvaas, kombucha and coconut water and coconut milk kefir are good foods to try in small quantities and see how your body tolerates these as well.
For older babies, bland food may be offered in small quantities but frequently as it is tolerated.
It could be practical for migraine sufferers to drink small quantities of different types of alcohol to find out if each type is tolerated or not.
(1) Some can tolerate grains in small quantities — not as a staple in the diet like we find in the Standard American Diet (SAD).
Soda made w / sugar in small quantity might be tolerated (8 oz.)
I do not tolerate raw kale at all, and I would eat small quantities only if very well cooked, which helps to break down the fiber.
You've rightly noted that it's difficult to make broad statements about low / high FODMAP borderline ingredients, particularly those that may be tolerated in small quantities.
But even foods that contain FODMAPs may be tolerated in small quantities, so again, it depends on the person.
While they should generally be avoided they can often be tolerated in small quantities when eaten in conjunction with your Core / Supplemental foods.
Rice, oats, quinoa and amaranth are a few things I can tolerate in small quantities when balanced with loads of protein and fats.
Overall, parsnips, like carrots, should be used as decadent bunny treats — they are nontoxic and usually well - tolerated in small quantities, but they can contribute to serious health problems when they are consumed in excess.
Even shy cats, however, can learn to tolerate visitors, at least in small quantities, if they get the right kind of attention and have a safe haven to retreat to and rest.
Yogurt, cottage cheese, beans and tofu can occasionally be used as protein sources, but keep in mind that not all dogs can tolerate dairy products, beans or soy and may become flatulent or experience other gastrointestinal «issues»; test tolerance with small quantities.
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