Sentences with word «tomcat»

The word "tomcat" refers to a male cat, usually a domesticated one. Full definition
Neutering prevents unnecessary litters of kittens and helps eliminate antisocial habits, such as spraying, singing and fighting in tomcats.
Unlike the other dumb, crude comedies that the makers of Tomcats try so hard to emulate, this one could not make me laugh, snicker, smile or even acknowledge mentally that something might have been even remotely amusing.
Gregory Poirier, screenwriter for the also bad films See Spot Run and Gossip, takes his first turn filming one of his screenplays with Tomcats, another in a series of gross - out comedies to come down the pike since the success of American Pie and Scary Movie.
The evening light softly illuminated the thick chestnut trees; Albert, a small grey tomcat who belonged to the children, seemed ecstatic.
They may strike out if approached, particularly feral tomcats.
Though unneutered tomcats are often hostile towards each other, there are exceptions where toms which have been reared together may remain companionable when mature — supply of food and females permitting.
Nuisance behaviors associated with breeding, such as yowling females or the spraying and fighting of male tomcats are virtually eliminated.
Un-neutered tomcats fight frequently, and are at great risk from infected wounds.
F.O.N. Feline Odor Neutralizer Spray eliminates feline urine odors, including tomcat spray, on surfaces and litter boxes.
They were the voices of two F - 14 Tomcats named Echo and Bravo.
Yes, even my «garden variety» ginger tomcat tabby... ever so «ordinary,» is nothing of the sort to me.
It also helps prevent tomcats from spraying and roaming in search of a mate.
However, the surprising fact is that your kitten litter could have different fathers since the queen could mate with different tomcats during the mating season.
Many of these diseases cause similar symptoms, for example, a cat with urolithiasis, or bladder stones, shows many of the same symptoms as a cat with a urinary tract infection, which may also present like the symptoms of a blocked tomcat.
If you need help speaking to your community about TNR, contact TOMCAT SOLUTIONS and do some research on effective talking points for promoting TNR.
I got two cats from a random person who didn't want them (don't know why they're amazing) ones under a year female we've had spayed and tests (cost me a bomb) the other we have no idea (but Def older tomcat - we haven't had done or tested)
FeLV is primarily spread from infected mother cats to their kittens, and FIV passes mainly among fighting tomcats through bite wounds.
Queens may mate with several different tomcats during this time, so it is possible that a litter of kittens may have several different fathers.
During her heat, she may «spray» a strong smelling urine just as tomcats do.
This is just part of what tomcats do.
Her heat cycles attract tomcats, and your hormonal cat may cry, howl and try to escape the house in search of a mate.
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Breaks down uric acid salt crystals of cat and kitten urine, even tomcat urine, eliminating the primary trigger mechanism.
Our 17 year old rescue tomcat just passed away in August.
On average, that comes to $ 181 for female cats and $ 154 for tomcats!
Television appearances in ER and Ally McBeal were quick to follow, and in 2001 she made her feature debut in the comedy Tomcats.
While both films are somewhat lowbrow sex comedies, there is just no justice in this world that a horrible film like Tomcats could get a theatrical release, when a surprisingly funny take on the fear of getting married heads straight to video.
His GPS directs him to a mystical pet store brimming with odd and exotic cats - where the store's eccentric owner - Felix Perkins (Christopher Walken), presents him with a majestic tomcat, named Mr. Fuzzypants.
The humongous pile of dung is so rancid that if a videotape of it were tossed in a litter box, a real tomcat might try to cover it up.
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Activity Level and Size «There is a huge difference between a 15 - pound tomcat and a dainty indoor cat or a strictly couch potato kitty in terms of energy output,» says Nelson.
However, over the next couple days the troubled tomcat refused to eat, so Jill took Charm to her longtime family veterinarian.
If a retained testicle is left in the cat, it will begin to spray like an ordinary tomcat.
I have always had neutered male cats (prefer tomcats).
Indoor / outdoor cats that fight, as well as un-neutered stray tomcats are very susceptible to septicemias (bacteria in the blood stream) and subcutaneous abscesses.
She may urinate in the house in an attempt to notify local tomcats of her state.
Roamin» Smokey, a New York City tomcat with grey good looks and curb appeal, is always on the lookout for love, trouble, and a nosh.
Now if we can just find some ways to find loving homes for all those deadbeat tomcat dads out there!
Female cats or queens would be out looking for a mate while tomcats would be out looking for a partner.
This is when a male cat is about to enter puberty, at which time the undesirable tomcat behaviors surface.
Many are ragged looking tomcats dodging cars or ransacking rubbish bags.
Dominant tomcats (strong, non-neutered full males, otherwise known as intact males) are at the top of the pecking order, and will have the largest territory.
Studies on feral colonies have shown that domestic cats, like lions, are rather sociable creatures and even battle - scarred tomcats will return from walking alone to relax with the family.
Still, the friendly tomcat, which Cannaday has been paying to board at the vet clinic since April 29, needs a home.
Unaltered tomcats that are kept indoors or outdoors will tend to mark all objects in their territory with urine, which is extremely strong - smelling.
Glass does not give the cat any opportunity for concealment while it checks out the territory and if it is full - length then the ultimate horror may occur and a cat may come face to face with next - door's tomcat on the other side.
If you're an experienced cat lover, you know the subtle differences between a seemingly aloof tomcat and a furry being of higher intelligence and discernment.
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