Sentences with phrase «ton heavy water»

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However, the stockpile fell when Iran shipped 20 tons of heavy water out of the country on Wednesday.
In its first report on Iran's compliance deal since the agreement went into effect in mid-January, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran's stock of heavy water had reached 130.9 tons, above the 130 tons limited permitted by the deal, the diplomats said.
Drinking enough water, sipping herbal teas to help reduce heavy periods and cramping, and trying to relax help tons.
The bridge began to sway dangerously, threatening to dump Levey and a few thousand tons of heavy equipment into the water below.
As I read reports about the release of more than 11,000 tons of radiation - laced water into the sea from the damaged nuclear plant in Japan, I recalled reporting I did more than a decade ago on the many uses of silt barriers — essentially curtains suspended in water — to hold back everything from oil slicks to the bursts of polluted runoff flowing into coastal waters from city storm drains after heavy storms (the water can be pumped and treated once the system is not overloaded).
They have not only excised the water cycle, and excised rain from the carbon cycle, but have excised the whole atmosphere which is the heavy voluminous fluid ocean of real gas Air weighting a ton on our shoulders and in its place have empty space with imaginary ideal gas molecules travelling under their own molecular momentum at great speeds through this empty space miles apart from each other bouncing off each other in elastic collisions, no attraction, and so «thoroughly mixing».
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