Sentences with phrase «ton of greenhouse gases»

Taken together, these landmark actions will prevent billions of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere.
And they're preventing millions of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere while they're at it.
That accounting trick is allowing European national governments and their energy sectors to pump tens of millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the air every year — without accounting for it.
The ban would keep millions of tons of greenhouse gas pollution from escaping into the atmosphere and worsening the climate crisis.
Lately, he's focused closely on carbon dioxide, developing a variety of ways to visualize the roughly 80 million tons of the greenhouse gas emitted daily by human activities.
And much of that will go on expensive technologies engineered to suck 1,000 billion metric tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the air by the year 2100.
All told, billions of tons of greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere each year.
The initiatives are estimated to save the environment from some 20 million metric tons of greenhouse gases between now and 2020.
And so putting it into effect would lead to 72 million metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions per year on average, the analysis found.
So, in the same spirit, perhaps city governments offer solutions to the problems caused by the 90 million metric tons of greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere daily.
Consider, for example, some of the obstacles in switching to a vegetarian diet, which can save more than three metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.
By 2025 they will prevent 6 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
The new regulations would cut greenhouse emissions by one billion metric tons over four years, but the U.S. emits roughly seven billion metric tons of greenhouse gases annually.
The rule Pruitt wants to repeal is projected to cut 6 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases over a 13 - year window.
Using a conservative industry estimate about this relationship, I calculated that the EPA's Carbon Pollution Standards would result in an annual net increase in greenhouse gases of roughly 1.3 million metric tons of greenhouse gases for each power plant that takes EPA's advice, and complies with the rule by installing CCS with EOR.
The cost to them to purchase allowances from the government for each ton of emissions was projected to be $ 16 to $ 17 per metric ton of greenhouse gases by 2013 and $ 23 to $ 24 per ton by 2020.
Introducing herbivores en masse to Siberia and northern Alaska, they believe, would bring back a lost biome — the mammoth steppe — and prevent permafrost from melting and releasing billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
More on Walmart: Walmart Announces They Will Cut 20 Million Tons of Greenhouse Gases From Supply Chain by 2015 H&M; and Wal - Mart Caught Destroying Clothing, Deny It Is Policy Wal - Mart's Sustainability Index: The Greenest Thing Ever to Happen to Retail?
At the time, he ventured there was some kind of difference between a price «where the revenues go into general revenue and do not guarantee the reduction of a single ton of greenhouse gases» and what Alberta has setup with its technology fund, «wherein their revenues are focused only, and in isolation, on technology to achieve further GHG reductions than the emitters in that province are already able to achieve.»
Adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet would result in a 22 - 26 per cent cut in the 167 million tons of greenhouse gases associated with UK food, estimates the report, which is published in the Journal of Energy Policy.
The problem was that, having swallowed hundreds of billions of tons of greenhouse gases since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the oceans were becoming more acidic.
By calculating and comparing how much meat 163 million cats and dogs eat compared to 321 million Americans, Okin determined how many tons of greenhouse gases are tied to pet food.
Doing laundry uses up a lot of energy and releases tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere every year.
The take - home conclusion is that if the United States is to harvest what some analysts have called a «behavioral wedge» of hundreds of millions of avoidable tons of greenhouse gas emissions (and wasted energy), a vital prerequisite is boosting energy literacy.
Journey through the ocean's twilight zone, where tiny marine creatures burn through tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, and one moves from light into shadow.
Dumping 40 billion extra tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into our atmosphere every year will do that to a planet.
The best way to drive energy innovation would be an emissions charge of $ 5 per ton of greenhouse gases beginning in 2012, rising to $ 100 per ton by 2032.
Saint: The Environmental Protection Agency In January the EPA launched a public database of power plants, landfills, and other facilities that emit at least 25,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases annually.
«The standards will prevent emission of some 6 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases over the vehicles» life span.»
Apple says that the programs will avoid over 20 million metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution in the country between now and 2020, equivalent to taking nearly 4 million passenger vehicles off the road for one year.
# 3: Suncor, Canada — ``... it has improved emissions intensity (the amount of oil it extracts per ton of greenhouse gases emitted) 25 percent since 1990.
Regardless of how international talks go, the world's cities could cut eight billion metric tons of greenhouse gases by 2050, according to an analysis by the C40 group of cities.
Mark Tholke, Vice President West Region added, «Catalina Solar consists of over 1.1 million solar PV panels and is estimated to offset 250,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually.
The Keystone XL Pipeline would move enough tar sands oil to result in another 181 million metric tons of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere yearly.
Big Oil collectively saved 56.7 million tons of greenhouse gases between 2010 and 2015.
Whether it is the sprawl of deserts or the loss of tropical forests as the world's poor cut trees for firewood and clear land for agriculture, or the ineluctable warming of the planet as vehicles and factories deposit millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, «economic pressures lie behind them all» (Tolba 1991, p. 10).
Walmart Announces They Will Cut 20 Million Tons of Greenhouse Gases From Supply Chain by 2015
Even though the BFR will spew out tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, the impacts may not be much greater than current global air travel (depending how many flights end up happening).
in Berlin, Pennsylvania, demonstrate that biomass and biogas installations can successfully save thousands of tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.
«In 2017, Ulster County's renewable energy purchases prevented roughly 16,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution from being emitted into the atmosphere and in fact our entire government operation is «net carbon neutral,»» noted county Department of the Environment Coordinator Amanda LaValle.
In 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that the U.S. produced 6.7 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
Trucking Efficiency informed the government's new, more - stringent fuel economy and emissions standards for heavy - duty trucks — estimated to save 1 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and $ 170 billion in fuel costs.
FlexJobs» «2017 State of Telecommuting in the U.S. Employee Workforce» found that 3 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions are saved from the 3.9 million people who currently telecommute in the U.S.
Through these solar energy projects, Limoneira estimates that the solar generation of 84 million kilowatt hours will save at least 64,000 tons of greenhouse gases that would have otherwise been emitted by an oil - or coal - firing power plant over 25 years.
The industry's all - electric vehicles alone eliminate 10 tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year.
Food waste is also responsible for adding 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the planet's atmosphere per year.
We provided technical assistance to a group of coffee farmers in Oaxaca, Mexico, who launched an agroforestry project to remove 130,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions (the annual emissions of 27,000 cars) from the atmosphere over 30 years through reforestation of degraded land.
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