Sentences with phrase «ton of heart»

I've left a house after putting tons of heart and soul into it and I know it's not easy!
Though it looks effortlessly so, McCarthy has imbued the script and the frame with tons of heart and flavor.
The glitter distribution with this one is really nice; I got tons of hearts on the brush when I dip in, way more than I wanted, which rarely happens.
If available, avocado or guacamole is a great choice for spread, as it packs tons of heart healthy monounsaturated fats.
Both are excellent, Serkis clearly enjoying being on screen as the ultimate entourage accompanied bad - ass, and Jordan brings tons of heart and fire to the role of KIllmonger, a Wakandan himself out for justice against his people, and everyone else who gets in his way.
With «Strangers in Paradise» he pulls off the nearly impossible — a sexy, stylish crime story with tons of heart.
For those of you who are too lazy to watch the video, the primary reasons he cites for Epic Mickey is that the game left a huge mark on the Disney canon and that he got tons of heart - felt positive feedback from children who enjoyed it.
WPX people have a ton of heart.
They were without co-Captain Ari Nemetz who gives them a ton of heart and character off the bench normally..
Guy always had a TON of heart and supported the team through thick and thin.
He's an undersized quarterback with a ton of heart, extremely talented.
They have a ton of heart and really worked to keep the Game close..
Team Greenberg showed a ton of heart in this one but never could get over the hump.
Congratulations on a fantastic final product of what was obviously a ton of heart and hard work.
I won't say that Coco is one of Pixar's best films, but, like most of their offerings, it has a ton of heart.
It's still oddball and wacky, but packed with a ton of heart.
Chuck Hayward's (Netflix's series Dear White People) irreverent script is all about embracing your inner loser as the ultimate winner, making Emmy - nominated Jennifer Arnold's (A Small Act) fiction feature directorial debut a willfully offensive adult comedy with no manners and tons of heart.
That is the most apt description of my experience with The Way, Way Back, a socially awkward dramedy with a ton of heart featuring Steve Carrell, Sam Rockwell, Toni Collette, Liam James, and many more.
Back in 2012, I saw and reviewed a little independent film called Goon, an ice hockey comedy with a ton of heart that easily joined the ranks of one of my favorite sports films.
Imagine my surprise then that, when finally catching up with the film at home, I discovered a charming and warm little family picture with tons of heart and a delightfully arch villainess turn from Nicole Kidman.
It may not be easy viewing and it can be emotionally manipulative — the knife - twisting in the final act really proved a bridge too far for me — but Oceans is a film with tons of heart.
Filled with a delightful range of quirky characters and told with tons of heart, the story also explores themes of family, friendship, and courage in its many forms.
That is INSANE value and shows a ton of heart and compassion for those DIY publishers who can't afford even a cup of coffee.
It's a title with a ton of heart, charming in its silliness and endlessly fun to play.
Most players would head into this fight with a ton of hearts, the Master Sword, and an elixir buff or two.
I poured a ton of heart and soul as I created this game and it may never be finished just because I may find different things to change in this game.
At the heart of Turtle Sandbox's Cannon Brawl is, well, a ton of heart.
supremely sexy and adds a ton of heart and gravitas to both games respectively.
I have lots of furniture and household items that were handcrafted by my dad and my mom's dad, so trends would only cause me to eliminate a ton of heart - held history.
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