Sentences with phrase «ton of new footage»

The trailer is packed with tons of new footage from the movie, including what looks like an extended conversation between Tony Stark and Gamora which explains Thanos's motives: He wants to wipe out half the galaxy, and wielding a full Infinity Gauntlet would let him do just that in an instant.
The newest promo for Muppets Most Wanted features tons of new footage along with our first listen at the charming opening number, «We're Doing a Sequel.»
We're officially entering the final stretch leading up to Avengers: Infinity War because Marvel just released a brand - new trailer for the movie, revealing tons of new footage and details in the process.
A new Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer has arrived ahead of the film's forthcoming debut at the Cannes Film Festival, and it shows off tons of new footage from the origin story that stars Alden Ehrenreich in the role originated by Harrison Ford in Star Wars: A New Hope back in 1977.
The Wonder - Con panel featured tons of new footage, showing us the movie's aliens and its zany sense of humor.
A full length trailer for «Game of Thrones» season six was released on March 8, and there was a ton of new footage for fans to parse through.
The new trailer for Kong: Skull Island is here and it brings a TON of new footage, reveals new plot points,...
The latest World War Z TV spot doesn't include a ton of new footage, although we do see Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) trying to lead his wife Karen (Mireille Enos) to safety, with the help of a road flare.
Marvel Studios released a new, one - minute - long Avengers: Infinity War TV spot today titled «Chant,» which shows off tons of new footage.
Although they don't feature a ton of new footage from the film, it should be enough to whet the appetite of fans.
This international trailer doesn't really show a ton of new footage, but it does feature one of the songs from the apparently fantastic soundtrack.
It contains a ton of new footage and looks amazing.
The spot contained a ton of new footage with a particularly focus on Wakanda, complete with T'Challa and the Wakandan forces chanting before charging into action.
Plus, there's a ton of new footage from The Lego Batman Movie, and The Predator adds another cast member.
Tons of new footage and a massive inforgraphic from Capcom shows all the new features and content.
The trailer features a ton of new footage with some wicked looking action sequences.
There's not a ton of new footage, but a few moments stand out.
It is filled with a ton of new footage and we finally hear the voices of Rocket Racoon and his houseplant Groot.
Today Undead Labs have released a ton of new footage, and we have it all for you right here.
Marvel released a new TV spot for Infinity War today, and it packs in a ton of new footage to its short runtime.
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