Sentences with phrase «tongue muscles»

I also could see that he was not yet showing the jaw and tongue muscle skills needed to safely manage these foods.
This use of the tongue helps to lay down patterns of mouth and tongue muscle use which are helpful in the development of normal speech patterns.
A number of tongue muscles overlap so extensively, for example, that they might best be treated as a single entity.
Last time I considered the importance of training the tongue muscles for speech development...
Last time I considered the importance of training the tongue muscles for speech development — how they are correlated and why some children don't pronounce certain sounds.
During the embryonic development, the tongue muscle is attached to the floor of the mouth but this attachment will gradually reduce and then disappear naturally from the tip toward the base of the tongue.
This happens, even though the person has the desire to speak and the mouth and tongue muscles are physically able to form words.
Fork - mashed foods begin to introduce texture to baby's diet and help baby increase «oral awareness,» which is important for a baby learning to use cheek, lip, jaw and tongue muscles to move food around the mouth.
In modern humans, who lack air sacs, that bone supports the tongue muscles, enabling a wide range of vocalizations.
So one camp argues that the tongue muscles» repetitive action during speech might have led to an extra anchor of bone, which became the chin.
In stage T4a larynx cancer the tumor grows through the thyroid cartilage and / or into tissues beyond the larynx, such as the thyroid gland, trachea, esophagus, tongue muscles, or neck muscles.
Is it because they have lost control over their tongue muscles?
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