Sentences with phrase «tongue side of the teeth»

«Erosion from GERD is typically on the tongue side of the teeth,» says Haberkamp.
Proper cleaning of the teeth requires complete cooperation of the patient so that tartar on the cheek and tongue sides of the teeth may be removed.
Don't bother the tongue side of the teeth or focus too much on the motion.

Not exact matches

Additional ridges or «tooth marks» on the sides of the swollen tongue are evidence of excess cold in the digestive system, which is often due to a lack of warming foods in the diet.
4) The person cleaning your pet's teeth, won't be able to clean the side facing their tongue because they can't properly clean those sides of the teeth unless the pet's mouth is propped open.
The side of the tooth adjacent to their cheeks is always worse that the side adjacent to their tongues.
Even IF an excellent licensed veterinary technician attempts the procedure, the best he or she could do would be to get the OUTSIDE of the teeth done; the inside, meaning the side on side where the tongue is, is out of reach to cleaning because animals will not tolerate having their mouth held open that wide, tongue moved to the side, and scraping under their tender gumline.
One side of her lip couldn't be drawn together, so for the rest of her life she will have a gap that displays her teeth and tongue, but as she doesn't know this, it doesn't matter.
The majority of the lesions are on the outer (cheek) surface of the tooth, however they can also seen on the inside (tongue) side of the tooth as well.
These areas are generally worse because saliva flows less here and the tongue doesn't come in contact with these sides of the teeth.
Since plaque and tartar begin forming on the outside (cheek) surfaces of the teeth, it is usually not necessary to open the mouth and brush the tongue side.
Instead, he told me about his pug, who got so depressed when his brother (pug) died that all his black markings went grey, all his teeth fell out and his tongue started flopping out the side of his mouth.
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