Sentences with phrase «tons about»

I don't know about you... but I've learned tons about painting from her.
I don't know tons about the Glidden Gripper but I see that its a water based primer and I'm sure it would do similar to comparable latex primer / sealers.
AR... VR... As a real estate agent, you may have heard about or read tons about these two technologies.
I've read tons about the company and the products before buying them and I absolutely love them.
Just in time for this Hugh Macleod from the reposted, The Porous Membrane: Why Corporate Blogging Works with some new thoughts:) ALIGNMENT is what I am thinking tons about right now.
However with the success of MWLL, I gained a vast amount of knowledge working in 3DS Max and learning tons about game design and development.
I've been hearing tons about house sitting.
I've read tons about net - net investing on this blog and plenty of other places, but I've never done it myself.
We found out tons about Canadian audiobook listeners and we want to share our findings with you.
It only takes a minute to learn tons about an individual student just by being curious about who they are.»
And I can find out tons about them from their profile before we even talk so I actually know what to say to them.
I have heard tons about the T3.
What you wear speaks tons about your personality and voices out your thoughts.
After protein, creatine is a product you've heard tons about.
Your face says tons about you, your age... even your health.
I started blogging after last year's party, but still heard tons about it.
Quality and classy footwear speaks tons about your fashion sense.
And thank you tons about Scotty, he is all better now — yay!
This is a great eCourse that has taught us tons about how to properly prepare traditional foods.
I have been thinking tons about bonds lately, as 90 % of my closest friends either got in our out of relationships... It's a weird feeling to cheer one friend up about being single for the first time in four years and then go back home and cheer my flatmae to go see the frist guy she's liked in pretty much the same period of time, who unfortunately happens to live on the other side of Europe.
She's also been sharing tons about the book on Twitter.
Marcelo pointed out that even though entrepreneurs hear a ton about venture capital, and it sounds glamorous, it's not right for every startup.
«You can learn a ton about people if you put them in the right situations,» says Dee.
Throughout my nearly two decades trading stocks and now nearly a decade in teaching others, I've realized the stock market can also help you learn a ton about the world around you.
They study your supply chain, and they know a ton about it.
«My business would not be where it is today without BiggerPockets... I have learned a ton about real estate investing.»
Despite not yet being a CFP Monica knew a ton about investing and gave me some really great advice.
In the process, she learned a ton about government, got a nice resume item, and now takes it for granted that she can run for any office she wants (she is leaning towards Prime Minister).
I learned a ton about the fintech industry and online marketing from some of the top professionals in general.
It's clear a few of these politicians don't know a ton about how Facebook works.
But because in the midst of a fun yet challenging year, God has taught me a ton about managing His money in His church.
(And, by the way, I can think of someone who knows a ton about God and the Bible, could it be... Satan?!?)
jeez, i shared a ton about this weekend AND tons of link love.
I know a crap ton about food.
Watch and discover a ton about...
I've been reading a ton about the benefits of fermented vegetables, but didn't know how to start!!
Now, I don't know a ton about it, but I know that it can work some magic in bread.
There won't be a ton about the Top 7 Teams the rest of the way in this article as we shift from Power Rankings to Playoff Previews.
But your ceiling is your ceiling, and even if this doesn't say much about guys with obscene college stats, it says a ton about the Lockers and / or Blaine Gabberts of the world, the guys with mediocre stats and standout physical traits, the guys about whom scouts will say «Yeah, his stats aren't that good, but I can fix him.
Ferrall actually knows a ton about sports, but he manages to obscure his expertise by giving the impression that he would rather be talking about when he'll be getting his next buzz on.
For starters, I had read a ton about kangaroo care.
I read a ton about babies while I was pregnant, and I do mean a ton.
I learned a ton about a lot of things.
I heard a ton about how expensive formula was, but had no idea that it would give me so much freedom.
I didn't really think a ton about nursing before giving birth aside from a half day breastfeeding class I took.
They talk a ton about farmers and making sure kids can participate in and understand about how food is grown, and that they really understand the life cycle of the foods they're eating.
I've read a ton about naps and am still in need of help!
Disney lovers should also take heed as she shares a ton about Disney movies, events and products.
We have had a lot of adventures and learned a ton about traveling with a baby and now with a toddler!
The good news is that we now know a ton about how to prevent cardiovascular disease, which includes both strokes and heart attacks.
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