Sentences with phrase «too alkaline»

Test the mixture with litmus paper: If the paper turns red, it is too acid — add more lime; if it turns dark blue, it is too alkaline — add more sour milk.
o Small stones build up like any other stone in the bladder, either as a result of urine that is too alkaline or acidic, forming crystals and / or stones, or an excess of mineral build up in the urine that can precipitate into stones.
Q: I think my dog's urine is becoming too alkaline due to his long term diet of Canine U / D, prescribed to prevent calcium oxalate stones to recur.
I'm also giving him Animals» Apawthecary Tinkle Tonic a few times a day to acidify his urine because it's too alkaline.
Acidification has been done for several years by pet food manufacturers to help control struvite crystal formation in the urine that becomes too alkaline when dogs and cats are fed high cereal diets.
When the urine pH becomes too alkaline, there is an increased risk of formation of struvite (also known as magnesium ammonium phosphate) bladder crystals and / or stones.
Calcium oxalate stones can also occur, but these do not occur if the urine is too alkaline, but rather if it is too acidic.
In cats, there is evidence that magnesium concentrations > 0.3 % (dry - matter basis) may be detrimental if the diet is too alkaline.
That his bladder was too alkaline and I needed to add vitamin c to his food to help prevent them from forming into a stone.
Bromelain helps with digestion and keeps your body balanced so it is not too acidic or too alkaline.
The ideal pH of our blood for optimal health is around 7.35, which is neither too acidic or too alkaline, but neutral.
While it's rare, it's still possible for the blood to become too alkaline.
For example, if your intestinal tract is too alkaline, the short - chain fatty acid postbiotic metabolites will decrease the alkalinity.
Many commonly used skin care products are too alkaline, disturbing the mildly acidic environment our skin needs to flourish.
«Strengthen, never disturb, so this means no stripping, sulfates, or harsh soaps, no vigorous treatments, nothing too alkaline, no over-drying ingredients like alcohol, no mechanical or surface aggression, and be aware not to use super-hot water,» advises Sue Nabi, founder of natural skin care line Orveda where the mantra is: works with your skin, not against it.
** More importantly: why are you not producing enzymes, and why is your stomach acid too alkaline to properly break down food?
When HCl is too alkaline, the assimilation process (food being broken down into glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, and nutrients) can't occur as it should, and digestion slows.
Those that are too alkaline may get your skin clean, but they will also strip your skin of its natural oils, causing dryness, dullness, irritation, and wrinkles.
If it feels dry, dull, and irritated, your cleanser may be too alkaline.
When the outer layer is too alkaline, it gets dry and sensitive, which can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, and even skin problems.
Because surfactants — the ingredients in your cleanser that clean skin — can easily disrupt the pH. Soap that is too alkaline, for example, can break up the acid in your skin, causing dryness.
We have written about this in more detail before but typical soaps are pretty alkaline and the skin's natural acid mantle is just about 5.5 - 6.5 on the pH scale so working with a soap that is too alkaline can leave the skin susceptible to things like clogged pores, dryness, dehydration, fine lines and wrinkles.
If the urine is too alkaline, it can mean that the kidneys aren't working properly or there's something off metabolically.
It keeps substances from being too acidic or too alkaline.
If it becomes too alkaline, yeast can thrive in it and create a Candida infection with itching, burning and a cottage cheese - like, white discharge.
Beyond all of this, potassium also contributes to muscle contraction and relaxation, carries nerve impulses and ensures that the body does not become too alkaline or acidic, which is referred to as the pH level.
What you want is pure water - water that is clean, balanced, and healthful, neither too alkaline nor too acidic.
It's main purpose for helping skin issues is balancing the pH in our bodies so that we do not become too acidic or too alkaline which is a contributing factor to breakouts.
Other problem is that they are too alkaline.
Anything lower than this means that the blood is too acidic, anything higher means it's too alkaline.
The pancreas regulates this change by producing both HCI and buffers so that the mouth, stomach, small intestines and colon do not become too acidic or too alkaline.
Apple Cider Vinegar - ACV helps to balance the pH levels in our body which is a factor in the development of pimples if our body is too acidic or too alkaline.
Your body's cells and tissues prefer a body which is not too acid and not too alkaline, just about somewhere close to the middle in fact.
Well, the good deep breath in through the nose that activates the parasympathetic nervous system, the PNS, and then that hold for a bit of time followed by a slow, breathe out so we don't go too alkaline with getting that CO2 out.
So if our pH becomes too alkaline or too acidic, like you know blood pH, which exists in a very fine - tune range, right around 7.35 + or -1 / 10 of point there.
If the Ph balance in the stomach is too alkaline, the food will not be digested and will linger in the stomach, causing discomfort.
And the problem is most people whose intestinal tracts are alkaline, or guts are alkaline especially the stomach, they're gonna have protein issues, they're gonna have maldigestion; if a urinary tract is too alkaline, you're gonna get a yeast infection, or a UT — a UTI or E. coli, you know, BB infection.
It had been thought that the presence of cement would result in conditions too alkaline for microbes to grow — it has a pH of around 11, similar to bleach.
In fact, if your batter is just a touch too alkaline, your dessert -LSB-...]

Not exact matches

We favor meat, sugars, grains, low - mineral processed foods, and other acid - forming foods and get far too few alkaline - forming vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
If you've been eating out or drinking too much coffee, cola or alcohol, maintain the best alkaline balance for your body with Organic Burst Baobab!
If you are concerned about the acidity, mix it with compost (or lyme) first, but honestly, I have never heard of someone having problems with chicken poo fertilizer being too acidic when used with clay (alkaline) soil.
Baking soda is known to produce too much alkaline, therefore causing a pH imbalance in the stomach.
Hazelwood works by creating a more alkaline environment in your body through direct contact with your skin, which may help to prevent and remedy many of the symptoms caused by acidosis (being too acidic) and by reducing free - radicals by having a high antioxidant effect through your pores.
It would have been tasty water too, neither acid nor alkaline.
According to the theory behind an alkaline - based diet, consuming too much acidic food will cause an increase in the acidity (and decrease in pH) of...
And while the pH levels in most commercial waters should be safe to drink in moderation, he warns against ingesting too many high - alkaline foods or beverages.
During a flare, some interstitial cystitis patients opt for alkaline water to make sure that their urine isn't too acidic.
If the soil is poor, the leaves may experience nitrogen deficiency, but if it is too rich, the fruit will become sensitive to alkaline conditions and have high sodium content.
For optimal health, our body's pH should be neutral to slightly alkaline; when it is too acidic the body buffers this acidity by releasing calcium and magnesium from bones and breaking down muscle to produce ammonia (strongly alkaline).
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