Sentences with phrase «too easy»

When we are not sick, it's only too easy to ignore that reality and imagine ourselves as existing independently and living on our own terms.
It's a very convenient argument, one I find too easy.
On the whole, though, it all seems too easy.
Getting caught up in the Christmas festivities is too easy even when we know Jesus is the reason for the season but reminding ourself of the main thing, the reason for the twinkling lights and gifts under the tree, is not just a nagging responsibility — it's essential.
It's too easy to believe in the tangible edicts of Paul than it is to follow Jesus one simple golden rule.
You maybe give up too easy?!
Leith writes: «Criticism of American patterns of worship became finally too easy.
So it's altogether too easy for us to see that the lives of these men and women were needlessly risky and obsessive.
That is not to say there shouldn't be Christian or other religious values present but it is to say that people shouldn't be conned and public opinion shouldn't be manipulated by claims of righteous values — as we have seen, it is just too easy to fake and sway people to support what may not be in their best interests based on having a cloak of religion.
Again, my intuitions are that this makes things too easy.
Kermit... this is too easy.
That would be too easy, too abrasive, and not faithful to the text.
I wonder if it's too easy to mistake the institution for the relationship.
lol, this is just too easy... where did you learn your sm.ut anyhow!
A too easy, although quite compelling, way of making the point is that «salvation» is a notion whose meaning is understandable only within the Christian cultural - linguistic system, so of course no one else has it; whatever Buddhists or Confucians, say, are after, it is not salvation.
Hence the cross would be misunderstood if its chronological distinctness from the public ministry were looked upon as a basic theological separation from the public ministry, as is all too easy in reaction against Ritschlianism.
Churches do make it too easy to dunk and leave.
Yet it is too easy a way out of the dilemma to dismiss them all as first century interpolations.
And this being the case, it would be all too easy to carp and moan from the sidelines.
Those for whom God plays a central part in life may think that this makes politics seem too easy.
But apparently it is too easy for such subcultures simply to reinforce a comfortable lifestyle.
In conversation or on social media, it can be all too easy to cite some fact or figure you've heard or read somewhere, but whose authenticity you've never bothered to verify.
It's far too easy to try to make the perceived «Christian statement» i.e. decorating for Christmas, then to actually do something tangible to share with others that Emmanuel came for each one of us.
Brigitte: I think the deconstruction (or re-examination) of a faith - system is not really too easy when you are trying to survive.
Exhaustion and tension make insensitivity, unresponsiveness and carelessness all too easy.
But education is too easy a whipping boy.
Number 9 is too easy... much evil has been done in the «name of religion,» and even, more specifically, «in the name of Christ.»
Further, it strikes me as all too easy, as in some recent critical circles, to make a point, however flimsy; gloss it with a quotation from C. S. Lewis; and consider it thereby as apodictic truth, beyond disputing.
His turn to prescription or establishmentarianism too easy morphs into presentism or deprives us of being able to appeal from the present power configuration to a higher standard.
According to this reading it is all too easy to conclude that the original Hebraic understanding claimed God was radically without any nature, radically free to constitute himself anew in any moment.
It is all too easy to dismiss Teilhard as a facile optimist, without penetrating to the root of his desperate vision.
Blaming parents, for one thing, is a little too easy.
It has been all too easy for us scholars to deceive ourselves about our situation.
It is all too easy to distance Jesus to a position beyond the boundaries of our humanity.
Those who speak so optimistically in most cases seem to make too easy a transfer from technological progress to human progress.
The real danger, as Amory Lovins suggests, is that it will be all too easy to spread darkness at the speed of light.
Isn't it a bit too easy for those of us enjoying comfort and security to make such a statement?
You can't dismiss them — or at least you shouldn't dismiss them — like it is too easy to do with the talking heads on television.
Otherwise it would be too easy to decide that since no human cause is without sin or deserving of our ultimate loyalty, since none will result in the perfect good, we may as well just sit back and sagely observe from an uninvolved distance the vain and foolish strivings of humanity.
The book of Acts really teaches us that it's all too easy — even with all the gifts of grace we have received — for the Christian community to almost entirely fall our of step with that freedom and virtually abandon the message of life (Paul talks in Galatians about how he stood alone for the Gospel).
The man who alternately sins, and in his remorse makes high moral demands, lays himself open to the reproach that he has made things too easy for himself.
The Rechabite movement, although not founded in a mood of reform, clearly did mean, however, for the Rechabites themselves deliverance from current evils by the too easy course of denying civilization.
It is just here that it is all too easy to beg the question by assuming the historicity of the burial story in order to prove the historicity of the empty tomb.
It is simply too easy to be American without the complications of having to explain why one is Catholic, too.
It is too easy to blame those who skip church for sporting and cultural events.
It is too easy for the Korean church to select a missionary.
An oft - heard critique of the modern Church is that we're losing people not because we've made Christianity too difficult, but because we've made it too easy.
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